DJ Project - "Departe de noi" - HELP

Thread: DJ Project - "Departe de noi" - HELP

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  1. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:

    Default DJ Project - "Departe de noi" - HELP

    Corrections please. I need A LOT of help. Thanks!

    "Departe de noi"
    "Far from us"

    Am luat tot ce aveam
    I took all I wanted
    Durere si lacrimi
    Pains & tears
    Varsate-n doi
    Drain into two(?)
    Cum sa te tin ?
    What does "ţin" mean?
    M-am dus sa le ingrop departe de noi ...
    Led me to bury it far from us(?)
    Ma doare de mor
    It hurts me to death(?)
    Doar timpul mai poate face ceva
    Only more time can do something
    Si nu cred sa pot
    & I don't believe I can
    Sa spun te iubesc , altcuiva
    say "I love you", (to) anyone/someone else
    Esti inca aici
    You're still here
    Te caut in pat atunci cand dorm
    I look for you in bed whenever I sleep
    Te simt cum m-atingi
    I feel how you touch me
    Te aud ca prin vis
    I hear you like through a dream
    Cum spui somn usor
    How you speak a gentle sleep
    Nu vreau sa te sun
    I don't want to ring for you
    Mi-e frica sa-mi spui
    I'm afraid of you telling me
    Ca s-a terminat
    that it's over
    Iar sufletul , te roaga mereu
    Again my soul endlessly begs you
    Sa nu-l fi uitat
    to not be forgotten
    Cine va spune zi de zi
    Who will speak day to day?
    Ca ne-a fost scris
    that has been written for us
    Ca impreuna vom fi
    that together we'll be
    Cine va fi langa tine-n zori
    who will be by your side at dawn?
    Daca ai sa uiti cum e sa m-adori
    If you've forgotten how it is to fall asleep

    Fara tine ma sting...
    Without you I extinguish
    Ma hranesc doar
    I feed only
    Cu nopti din trecut
    on nights from the past
    Stelele plang in urma ta
    The stars cry in your imprint
    Cum as putea sa uit?
    How could I forget?
    Cerul e trist
    The sky is sad
    Toate vorbesc numai de noi
    All only talk about us
    Iar mie mi-e dor
    Again, I miss a lot? b/c "mie" is used for emphasis, right?
    De aceiasi ochi
    those eyes
    Atat , atat de goï...
    So much, so much "de goi"
  2. Raisa-Miruna's Avatar

    Raisa-Miruna said:


    Am luat tot ce aveam
    I took all I wanted- I took all I had
    Durere si lacrimi
    Pains & tears-Pain and tears
    Varsate-n doi
    Drain into two(?)- Drained into two- or, as the meaning requires, drained by both

    Doar timpul mai poate face ceva
    Only more time can do something- If you say "more time" the translation is "mai mult timp" Only time can still do something

    Te caut in pat atunci cand dorm
    I look for you in bed whenever I sleep- it's ok but we usually use "whenever" for "oricand"...."atunci cand" reffers exactly to that moment, so: I look for you when I sleep

    Cum spui somn usor
    How you speak a gentle sleep- How you say "sleep tight"

    Cum sa te tin ?
    "ţin"= to hold (I person sg.), so: How to hold you?

    M-am dus sa le ingrop departe de noi ...
    Led me to bury it far from us(?)- I went to bury them far from us

    Nu vreau sa te sun
    I don't want to ring for you- more common: I don't want to call you

    Mi-e frica sa-mi spui
    I'm scared for what you say to me- I'm scared that you'll tell me

    Iar sufletul , te roaga mereu
    Again my soul endlessly begs you- it's ok, but here "iar" (because you already used "endlessly" it doesn't make sense to repeat it with "again") means "and"...I guess u knew that "iar" has these two common translations (again & and)

    Sa nu-l fi uitat
    to not be forgotten- That you didn't forget it- "not to be forgotten"= "sa nu fie uitat"

    Cine va spune zi de zi
    Who will speak day to day?- "day by day"

    Daca ai sa uiti cum e sa m-adori
    If you've forgotten how it is to fall asleep- If you forget how it is to adore me (it's not "adormi" )

    Cu nopti din trecut
    on nights from the past- with nights from the past

    Stelele plang in urma ta
    The stars cry in your imprint- The stars are crying behind you

    Toate vorbesc numai de noi
    All only talk about us- Everything talks only about us

    Iar mie mi-e dor
    Again, I missa lot? b/c "mie" is used for emphasis, right?- And I miss (pay attention to "iar", I told you before it can also mean "and"..."mie" is just used commonly to repeat the indirect object; e.g."ţie ţi-e dor", "lui ii e dor", "noua ne e dor", "voua va e dor", "lor le e dor")

    De aceiasi ochi
    those eyes- The same eyes
    Atat , atat de goï...
    So much, so much "de goi"- So, so empty...
  3. Raisa-Miruna's Avatar

    Raisa-Miruna said:


    By the way, where did u learn Romanian so good? It's usually kind of difficult for foreigners...and few persons are interested...
  4. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:


    Thank you so, I made a lot of dumb mistakes...adori/adormi & I have no idea why I said wanted for "aveam" guess I really wasn't paying attention, ha ha.

    Oh well, again, thanks!
  5. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Raisa-Miruna View Post
    By the way, where did u learn Romanian so good? It's usually kind of difficult for foreigners...and few persons are interested...
    Sorry, didn't see this before.

    Umm, I'm actually teaching myself

    I speak Spanish, I have family in Italy, my mom speaks French, so I've kind of been trying to learn the 5 Romance languages.

    & Portuguese is VERY similar to Spanish, so I wanted to challenge myself.

    So I but a grammar book, a dictionary & a phrasebook in Romanian, started downloading TONS of music & that's how I've been learning.

    I'm glad you think my Romanian is good, ha ha, thanks.
  6. Raisa-Miruna's Avatar

    Raisa-Miruna said:


    Well it is great for you!!...if only I spoke that well spanish!! And don't thank me, thank yourself...I'm really happy when I see people with so much will to learn something...
    I love Portuguese, I think their music (especially brazilian) sounds even better than ours (shhht...don't tell anybody )
    And I hope you don't have the same opinion about Romanians as most of the Italians have ...
  7. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:


    & what opinion would that be exactly lol?
  8. Raisa-Miruna's Avatar

    Raisa-Miruna said:


    well...didn't u see all the bad things that romanian gipsies did there? I mean...around the cities there are like these "ghettos" filled with garbage and poor people and gipsy beggars, and the whole Italy is screaming and shouting about that...I agree with them, except the fact that they think that all of us are like that...Also many many political problems regarding work contracts, internal measurements and...I should also mention that if u talk romanian on the street u can easily be attacked and beat...People get fired now there just because they're Romanians, for the bosses it doesn't matter how honest you are, they're afraid of the others who may revolt...

    I'm sure u don't think like them...
  9. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:


    Wow, I had no idea about any of that!

    My family is from the North, & I'm pretty sure none of them think that way

    That's horrible though, especially in this day & age.