Its a bit rough yea..

I’m just a copy cat and wannabe
always want something more, more than I can give or take
always want to be someone else for a day
always trying to impersonate people and imitate the way they write
trying to be someone I’m not
trying too hard or not enough
I’m always the let down, always letting myself down
I can’t always measure up and somehow my songs always sound rough
you are good enough for me, too good it seems
the chords can’t progress when I try to put music to words
nothing sounds right nowhere near perfect
I’m just a wannabe musician with emotional lyrics
not very good ones, I try to take bits from the best and form my own
and it comes down to am I doing this right?
Will I get anywhere? Did I just throw my life away; down the drain to get washed away and when I’m 30 will I be washed up and drunk? I don’t know where this is going
I don’t know just another one of my midnight trains of thought
on a track to nowhere, on a collision course.