rafet el roman ohne sie

Thread: rafet el roman ohne sie

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  1. lucia9 said:

    Default rafet el roman ohne sie

    hi, can somebody find the lyrics and trsnslate this song of rafet el roman, please? thank you very much in advance!
    ["Comment veux-tu qu'la terre tourne à l'endroit si nos cerveaux marchent à l'envers man?"]··
  2. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:


    There are small grammatical mistakes in the text sometimes.. his style is strange.. but I'll give it a try!

    I tried several corrections of the text!

    Ich lebte in der Vergangenheit,
    I lived in the past
    für mich und dich Bequemlichkeit,
    For me and you comfort (this line from listening to the song could also be „For me (there was) love and comfort)

    I see/hear several ways to write this line:
    Für mich und die Bequemlichkeit
    Für mich Liebe und Bequemlichkeit

    geleitet von der Jagd nach Vergnügen.
    Lead by the chase for fun
    Man warnte mich, ich glaubte nicht,
    They warned me, I did not believe it
    mich ändern, das wollte ich nicht,
    To change myself, I did not want to
    oder sah voll lauter Höhen die Tiefen nicht
    Or I did not see the down between all those highs

    Jetzt sehe ich einsam und klar,
    Now I see lonely and clear
    die Hoffnung scheint unsichtbar,
    The hope seems invisible
    mein Ego ließ kein Rahmen mehr zu lieben.
    My ego left no scope to love anymore

    Randgefüllt ist jetzt mein Glas,
    My glas is filled to the top now
    warum, weshalb ich sie vergaß,
    Why did I forget her
    nur fressender Leere ist mir geblieben.
    Only devouring emptiness remained for me

    Denn ohne Sie ist alles leer,
    Because without her everything is empty
    ohne Sinn und Bedeutung.
    Without meaning
    Ich wünschte dass alles anders wär'
    I wished that, back then, everything was different
    Und sie wär' wieder hier bei mir.
    And she would be back here with me

    In Allem war sie alles hier,
    In everything she was everything here
    das Tun der Gerechten in mir,
    The deeds of the righteous in me
    nun ist der Tag so trüb, die Welt so leer.
    Now the day is gray, the world so empty

    Verschloss sie von neu erfüllt,
    Sealed her, filled from anew
    Im Labyrinth meiner Angst verhüllt,
    Covered in the labyrinth of my fear
    Die Stunden klingen einsam um mich her.
    The hours resound lonely around me

    Zu geben fiel mir nie so schwer,
    To give was never that hard for me
    Mein Leben schien mir nie so leer,
    My life never seemed to empty
    Mein Ego ließ keinen Rahmen mehr zu lieben.
    My ego left no scope to love anymore

    Alles schreit und bebt in mir
    Everything screams and quivers in me
    Nach ihrem Namen und Duft von ihr,
    For her name and her fragrance
    Ich frag mich, warum ich jemals so wählte.
    I ask myself why I ever chose this way

    Was ist heilig?
    What’s holy?
    Sag' wenn du es weißt
    Say when you know it
    Woraus besteht der Geist?
    What does the spirit consist of?
    Und wofür lohnt es sich zu leben?
    And what’s worth living for?
    होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
  3. lucia9 said:


    thank's again!!
    ["Comment veux-tu qu'la terre tourne à l'endroit si nos cerveaux marchent à l'envers man?"]··
  4. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:


    No problem... maybe we can find out what the second line says if we work together, the song's here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-94mcN9ZW2A
    होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
  5. lucia9 said:


    maybe...but i dont speak a word of german!!:S
    ["Comment veux-tu qu'la terre tourne à l'endroit si nos cerveaux marchent à l'envers man?"]··
  6. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:


    I did not mean that it neccessarily needs to be you Tahira has very good ears for example and there's a couple of others who speak German.
    होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
  7. Lyssa's Avatar

    Lyssa said:


    I understand the second line like something:

    Für mich und die Liebe quäll ich keinen?
    For me and the love I don't hurt no one
  8. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:


    I would keep the "-keit" at the end of the line for the rhyme structure but it does not make sense to me yet..
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    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
  9. Lyssa's Avatar

    Lyssa said:


    I don't know it sounds too short to be such a long word like Bequemlichkeit, but what else?!
    I'm quita sure about the "Für mich und die Liebe"
  10. Cosmonaut's Avatar

    Cosmonaut said:


    He definitely says Bequemlichkeit! It's fairly obvious, isn't it?
  11. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:


    To me it is obvious but the rest? I've listened to this line over and over, it doesn't get any better
    It really sounds like "Für mich und die Bequemlichkeit"
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    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
  12. Cosmonaut's Avatar

    Cosmonaut said:


    Yea, it does indeed.
  13. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:


    It also makes kind of sense with the other line

    Ich lebte in der Vergangenheit,
    Für mich und die Bequemlichkeit
    I lived in the past for me and convenience (which is maybe closest to what he means)
    होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
  14. Lyssa's Avatar

    Lyssa said:


    Isn't there any official page for this singer with lyrics?
  15. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:


    Nope. I found them online somewhere (even worse than the version we have above now) and the problem is I can't even re-locate the page. The lyrics are not anywhere online, this guy is not that popular so nobody took the time to write them and he hasn't published them either.
    होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?