Help, va rog! (only corrections needed)

Thread: Help, va rog! (only corrections needed)

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  1. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:

    Default Help, va rog! (only corrections needed)

    Hey. I have three songs I need corrections for please. Thanks so much!

    1) Refflex - "O aventura"
    An adventure

    O aventura
    An adventure
    Urca in masina si hai
    Get in the car & let's go
    Sa dam o tura
    Let's go around the block(?)
    Spune-mi ca si tu iti doreai
    Tell me that you wanted it too
    O aventura
    an adventure
    Telefonul l-am oprit
    I stopped the phone(?)/I put the phone down(?)
    Stam impreuna
    We sit together
    De la apus pana la rasarit.
    From sunset till sunrise

    Ma intreb ce se intampla cu mine
    I ask myself what's happening with/to me
    Nu-s atent, numai la tine ma gandesc
    I'm not careful, I only think about you
    N-am rabdare sa mai astept
    I don't have patience to wait anymore
    Cat am visat acest moment.
    How I've dreamt of this moment

    Inc-o data (doi visatori)
    One more time (two dreamers)
    Prin viata (de atatea ori)
    Through life (so many times)
    Facem (pana maine in zori)
    We do (until tomorrow at dawn)
    Doar ce ne place...
    Only what we like

    Indragostiti si aventurieri
    Lovers & adventurers
    Ne iubim astazi mai mult decat ieri
    We love each other more today than yesterday
    Si ne lasam purtati de val
    & we let ourselves get carried away by waves(?)
    Totul e absolut normal.
    Everything is absolutely normal

    2) O-Zone - "Sarbatoarea noptilor de vara"
    Summer night's party(?)

    De noptile calde iti vei aminti
    You'll remember hot nights
    Toata iarna daca vii cu mine,
    All Winter if you come with me
    Ziua vom dormi pana va veni
    The day we'll sleep until it comes
    Sarbatoarea noptilor de vis.
    A dreamy night's party (?)

    Da-mi iubirea ta,
    Give me your love
    Ia-o pe a mea,
    Bring it & make it mine(?)
    Noaptea ne asteapta
    The night waits for us
    Ne cheama la ea.
    It calls us to it
    Eu voi fi al tau,
    I'll be yours
    Tu vei fi a mea
    You'll be mine
    Si toata vara: “Ah-ah!”
    & all night: "ah-ah!"

    Yeah! Nu vrem mare.
    We don't want the sea
    Wow! Nu vrem soare.
    We don't want the sun
    Noi vrem doar iubirea
    We only want the love
    Noptilor de vara.
    Summer's night
    Yeah! Nu vrem mare.
    We don't want the sea
    Wow! Plange soarele,
    The sun cries
    E sarbatoarea noptilor de vara.
    It's a summer's night party(?)

    In razele lunii te voi imbata
    In moon beams I'll intoxicate you
    Cu privirea seara de seara,
    With the stare, night to night(?)
    Nu ma vei uita toata iarna grea
    You won't forget me the whole heavy winter
    Voi fi vara sufletului tau!
    I'll be your soul's summer

    3) Refflex - "Te iau cu mine"
    I'm taking you with me

    Te vreau din ce in ce mai mult, mai mult,
    I want you more & more (each time?)
    mai mult, mai mult.
    more, more

    Iubesc ,iubesc ca un nebun.
    I love, I love like a crazyman
    Nu poti sa ma opresti din drum.
    You can't stop me from road(?)

    Alerg in noapte ,esti tot mai aproape,
    I run in the night, you're all too near(?)
    Mi-e dor de zambetul tau.
    I miss your smile
    Si cine oare , o sa te iubeasca ,
    & who(ever) is gonna love you
    Asa cum te iubesc eu ?
    the way that I love you?
    Si nu te mint
    & I'm not lying to you

    Sa stii ca mi-ai lipsit...
    You should know that I missed you
    Sa stii ca mi-ai lipsit...
    Nu ajuta la nimic prea multe scuze,
    & too many excuses don't help at all
    Nu vreau sa pierdem timp,
    I don't wanna lose time
    Te iau cu mine.
    I'm taking you with me

    Oricat , oricat as incerca,
    As much as I'd try/However much I try
    Nu pot sa te scot din mintea mea.
    I can't get you out of my mind
  2. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    Sa dam o tura
    Let's go around the block(?) - is not necesarly the block. lets go around is just fine

    Telefonul l-am oprit
    I stopped the phone(?)/I put the phone down(?) - i turned off the phone

    Stam impreuna
    We sit together - we stay together

    Nu-s atent, numai la tine ma gandesc
    I'm not careful, I only think about you - in this sentence "atent" means that is not paying attention

    O-Zone - "Sarbatoarea noptilor de vara"
    Summer night's party(?) - sarbatoare means festivity/fete

    Sarbatoarea noptilor de vis.
    A dreamy night's party (?) - the festivity/fete of dreamy nights ( noches de sueno :P )

    Cu privirea seara de seara,
    With the stare, night to night(?) - seara de seara means evening by evening ( ( is shown the repetion, like in every single evening i will get u drunk with the look a (se) imbata - to get drunk) (night = noapte) )

    Nu poti sa ma opresti din drum.
    You can't stop me from road(?) - an expression wich means u cant stop me from what i've already planned to do

    Alerg in noapte ,esti tot mai aproape,
    I run in the night, you're all too near(?) - esti tot mai aproape = u r closer and closer ( cada vez mas cerca)
  3. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:


    Thank you much! Lo entiendo mejor cuando me lo explicas en espanol, ja ja!