Deadliest Catch Song...

Thread: Deadliest Catch Song...

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  1. SKN86 said:

    Default Deadliest Catch Song...

    Okay. So I watch The Deadliest Catch. I was watching one of the reruns and this song came on towards the end of the episode. I wish I could remember which one... ugh.

    But this was an awesome song and some of the lyrics go like this:
    "With a million miles to go.... we just got started on this vessel all alone..."

    I can't find the song. If anyone knows please help me!!
  2. alexis_kelcey11 said:
  3. SKN86 said:


    Nope, sorry that wasn't it. Thanks though!!
  4. something said:

    Default Deadlies Catch song...

    The song you are thinking of was from episode "Heading Out to Sea" at the end in Season 2. I also would like to know the name of the band that sang the song you are referring to!
  5. SKN86 said:

    Default Update on lyrics

    Okay, thats to the post with the episode name (THANKS!!!) I have an update version of some of the lyrics - yet I still cannot find the song name or the band!

    Here are the new lyrics:
    There's a mutiny on the shore so we are going for a...
    I'm on this vessel all alone with a million miles to go and we just got started on this vessel all alone...
  6. SKN86 said:

    Default Found It!


    Thanks to some deep digging online and another song forum I found what we are looking for!!

    The band is called The Deadbirds and the song title is Transmissions

    Follow this myspace link to hear it.

    Im so glad I found it!