Corrections to Amro Mostafa translation?

Thread: Corrections to Amro Mostafa translation?

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  1. Tourbeau said:

    Default Corrections to Amro Mostafa translation?

    I was looking at the "Awel Ma2ol " translation here and when I compared it to the song, there are a couple of words missing in the first verse.

    OP wrote the line:

    7'ayef 3aleek de el 7a2e2a.. w el bo3d tal btew7ashny w as2al 3aleek

    But Amr is actually singing:

    خايف عليك دى الحقيقه والبعد طال لو دقيقه توحشنى واسال عليك

    What happened to "لو دقيقه"? Does the meaning change with the addition of these two words, or is "Worried for you and that is the truth; And you've been gone for so long, I miss you and ask about you" still the right translation? And can anybody understand what he is singing after he finishes this line but before the "لا لا لا" refrain starts?

    Thanks—I can read Arabic letters but still have trouble figuring out the meanings of the words.
  2. Maviii's Avatar

    Maviii said:


    here in this text if u add (law da2e2a) لو دقيقة
    or not the meaning stay as the same coz
    he said when u r far he miss her
    the same if he said :
    if u absent for a minute i`ll miss you

    i hope i answer ur question dear
  3. Tourbeau said:


    Yes, that's better. I know "law" means "if" and I was confused by the way the lyrics were translated without it.

    I forgot to ask this in the previous post, but this is a question about the difference between English and Arabic. If an English singer sings "la-la-la" in a song, it is just a meaningless filler sound. Is it the same in Arabic, or does it have the meaning of singing "no, no, no"...or does it depend on the song?

  4. Maviii's Avatar

    Maviii said:


    yeah it depends on the song
    sometimes it means no no no
    and sometimes its just a sound to make a rythem