alisia - chao edi-koi-si

Thread: alisia - chao edi-koi-si

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  1. eXtremnata's Avatar

    eXtremnata said:

    Default alisia - chao edi-koi-si

    here you go robster1983 you wanted have it :P

    Слушай ме, сега!
    slushai me sega!
    hear me now! (listen to me now)
    Казват ако жена каже "не",всъщност тя има друго предвид с това!
    kazvat ako jena kaje "ne", vsyshnost tq ima drugo predvid s tova
    they say if a woman says “no” she actually means something else ( if “no” than “yes”)
    Вярно ли е , питаш ти?
    vqrno li e,pitash ti
    “is it true?” you ask
    Вярно е, казвам ти!
    vqrno e, kazvam ti
    “it’s true” I tell you
    Но ще чуеш и тук лъжи!
    no shte chuesh i tuk lyji
    but you’ll hear lies here too
    (meaning that she is lying with her answer)

    Не вярвай на лъжите лятно време ,
    ne vqrvai na lyjite lqtno vreme
    Don’t believe in the lies that in the summer time
    че жените,бързо, лесно се предават, с някой си лягат
    che jenite , byrzo, lesno se predavat, s nqkoi si lqgat
    women give up quick and easy and go to bed with somebody
    Ти няма ли да ставаш,от леглото ми да бягаш?
    ti nqma li da stavash, ot legloto mi da bqgash?
    aren’t you going to get up , run (go away) from my bed
    Не запомних снощи кой си.
    ne zapomnih snoshti koi si
    I didn’t remember your name last night
    Чао,еди кой си!
    chao, edi koi si
    goodbye somebody ( something so and so)

    Ако каже жена: "Оф ,боли ме глава",щяла скучна да е нощта!
    ako kaje jena : " of boli me glava", shtqla skuchna da e noshta!
    if a women says “oh my head hurts” the night is going to be boring
    Вярно ли е , питаш ти?
    vqrno li e, pitash ti
    “is it true” you ask
    Вярно е, казвам ти!
    vqrno e kazvam ti
    “it’s true” I tell you
    Но ще чуеш и тук лъжи!
    no shte chuesh i tuk lyji
    but you’ll hear lies here too
    (meaning that she is lying with her answer)

    Last edited by eXtremnata; 10-07-2008 at 06:06 AM.
    Душата ми не е пътека- да минеш и да си заминеш.... Душата ми не е камина- да се стоплиш и да си отидеш.. Душата ми е Божи храм- влезеш ли оставаш там!
  2. Robster1983's Avatar

    Robster1983 said:


    eXtremnata, I can't thank you enough!!!! Again, if I could, I would so totally give you more points to your reputation, but as I said: I already did that, and it is only available once ;( Nevertheless: If I could, I would, for you so totally deserve it!!!!! (so in my opinion you already would have 16 points already! )

    I will get back to you via private message someday this week, but I couldn't help myself with leaving a message here also
  3. eXtremnata's Avatar

    eXtremnata said:


    you're a darling :* glad to have helped
    Душата ми не е пътека- да минеш и да си заминеш.... Душата ми не е камина- да се стоплиш и да си отидеш.. Душата ми е Божи храм- влезеш ли оставаш там!
  4. Robster1983's Avatar

    Robster1983 said:


    Hahaha, right back @ ya! I mean; you sacrafice your free time to help others to learn what they are hearing, help them understand. I say that that's at least worth some bonuspoints! So I am glad that I could give them to you (eventhough I can't do it physically )!

    Btw, I downloaded some new artists last weekend, perhaps you know them? I found cds of Veronika, Polina and Galena. Does that ring a bell to you, or is it, at this point, so obvious that I only seem to be interrested in all the b-, or perhaps even c-, starts of Bulgaria??
  5. eXtremnata's Avatar

    eXtremnata said:


    ahahah Galena is quite famous she resantly was a star in a home made porn movie here ahahah she is A+ at the moment :P veronika has some nice songs but in general she sings about death and sorrow so i don't listen to her a lot but she is famous also and polina...has a few songs...not a fan of hers
    Душата ми не е пътека- да минеш и да си заминеш.... Душата ми не е камина- да се стоплиш и да си отидеш.. Душата ми е Божи храм- влезеш ли оставаш там!