JD is all I need.

Thread: JD is all I need.

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  1. Trends_&_Makebelieve said:

    Smile JD is all I need.

    I’m pretty sure you just said it
    but your words get lost in mine
    pretty sure you said it for the last time
    and the letters just bunch there’s never enough
    so I forget it and you move on
    there’s no more air we all just get crushed
    I’m pretty sure you said it for the first time
    but your words get lost in the dark corner of my mind
    stashed away like the bodies in my wall
    belonging to those who have done me wrong
    I don’t understand your words they fade into the
    background of the conversations surrounding us
    so I ask you one more time
    you just shyly smile and say “no don’t worry it’s fine”
    I’ll watch as you leave me with people squashed shoulder to shoulder
    smothering me in their sweat
    oh won’t you save me from this hell hole
    won’t you return to me like you said you would
    like a lost and lonely bird with broken wings and broken pride
    I walk in a daze down the streets looking at the fog and fallen leaves
    looking to get lost when the clock strikes one so I don’t have to strike out in threes
    I get lost in the eyes of the dimming street lights
    the glow reminds me of those eyes that once were set upon mine
    I sleep all day no there’s no point in getting up
    no new surprises just a couple of cigarettes and the stench of Jack
    there’s no point in getting up
    just a couple of cigarettes and the taste of Jack
    now that gets me through another lonely day without you.
    ~Dream to make believe~
  2. Ultimate_Worrier's Avatar

    Ultimate_Worrier said:


    Very nice...

    And here's me thinking it was a Motley Crue style drinking song.
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  3. amuser's Avatar

    amuser said:


    I like it !