Nino-Eisai omorfi

Thread: Nino-Eisai omorfi

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  1. jms_grec's Avatar

    jms_grec said:

    Smile Nino-Eisai omorfi

    who know this song? pls help with the lyrics, and translation in english...
  2. jms_grec's Avatar

    jms_grec said:

    Smile thx for lyrics...

    i try to translate, but i have mistakes, i know

    You are beautiful with blue eyes
    The naked body you
    what dreaming and selling stoneiro
    What sin do circles and dance
    and you remember my love and laugh

    You are beautiful with your hair blond
    on the sheet
    that where I am dreaming and I
    what your life story of cyclones
    and how will you know if you get real

    You are beautiful in your mind
    to go and travel
    I wonder if you get to hug
    how many stars you rich hands mazefeis
    and how many fills the lips with kisses

    You are beautiful in the sky my nartheis
    To say that there is
    To my illuminates the darkness of the heart
    angel in my arms you always nacheis
    and to feel the air of the evening

    In took the good night sleep I love you
    and when I wake up still here thamai
    I love you ... I love you ...
    In took the good night sleep I love you