Urgent help with translation, please!!!

Thread: Urgent help with translation, please!!!

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  1. tigress_tim's Avatar

    tigress_tim said:

    Default Urgent help with translation, please!!!

    I need this please in max 1 hour ! So if there is anyone out there who can help me, please do !!! My girlfriend really needs this for her french course today, and she starts classes from 15, in 2 hours, so in max 1 hour she would need this, so please somebody help!!!!!

    The portrait of my girlfriend

    My best girlfriend is called Timi.
    About her physical portrait i could say a lot of things, starting with the fact that she is 22 years old, light brown-hair, green eyes, 1.64 m tall and 50 kg in weight.
    About her moral portrait, I can say much much more. In describing a persons inner side is a bit hard, because in opposite to the physical appearance, we say what we see, and we can see everything, there is to say, about how she looks, about how she dresses, but the inner feelings and thoughts are hidden in a certain way for us, because we can only see what that person allows us to see, meanwhile what is more important is hidden, but being somebody's closest and best friend means that you know most of those hidden-characteristics about her. And this is how I feel about my girlfriend.
    We know everything about us.
    She is a very kind-hearted girl, with a huge sense of humor, she is very smart and cunning, generous with her friends and even strangers, but this reason she can be sometimes called as naive, but this is only for the fact that she has a very big heart and likes to help everyone, she is too good for this bad world.
    She is a very joyful girl,who likes to enlighten people and make them laugh as often as possible, and she is always there to help them.She also has the ability to astonish you every time with something new.
    She has a boyfriend, who she cares about very much, she is very happy beside him, I hope their relationship will work out, cause I really think he is the perfect one for her.Her only defect in this relationship is that she is very jealous, but she cannot help it, because she loves him, and is afraid not to lose him.
    Among other defects I can also say, that sometimes she can be so stubborn, if she sets something in her mind, you really cannot change that, this is good in a way, but also bad.She has also a complexion, she gets mad so fast, but the good thing is that she gets over it very fast also. She is sometimes a bit shy and reserved, but regardless to this her soul is worth a million bucks, and I love her so much.
    She is friend that i can count on at any time of the day or night,and i feel very lucky to have her as my friend.
    " Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive. "
  2. Col's Avatar

    Col said:


    Quote Originally Posted by tigress_tim View Post
    I need this please in max 1 hour ! So if there is anyone out there who can help me, please do !!! My girlfriend really needs this for her french course today, and she starts classes from 15, in 2 hours, so in max 1 hour she would need this, so please somebody help!!!!!

    The portrait of my girlfriend

    My best girlfriend is called Timi.
    About her physical portrait i could say a lot of things, starting with the fact that she is 22 years old, light brown-hair, green eyes, 1.64 m tall and 50 kg in weight.
    About her moral portrait, I can say much much more. In describing a persons inner side is a bit hard, because in opposite to the physical appearance, we say what we see, and we can see everything, there is to say, about how she looks, about how she dresses, but the inner feelings and thoughts are hidden in a certain way for us, because we can only see what that person allows us to see, In describing a persons inner side is a bit hard, because in opposite to the physical appearance, we say what we see, and we can see everything, there is to say, about how she looks, about how she dresses, but the inner feelings and thoughts are hidden in a certain way for us, because we can only see what that person allows us to see,
    She is a very kind-hearted girl, with a huge sense of humor, she is very smart and cunning, generous with her friends and even strangers, but this reason she can be sometimes called as naive, but this is only for the fact that she has a very big heart and likes to help everyone, she is too good for this bad world.
    She is a very joyful girl,who likes to enlighten people and make them laugh as often as possible, and she is always there to help them.She also has the ability to astonish you every time with something new.
    She has a boyfriend, who she cares about very much, she is very happy beside him, I hope their relationship will work out, cause I really think he is the perfect one for her.Her only defect in this relationship is that she is very jealous, but she cannot help it, because she loves him, and is afraid not to lose him.
    Among other defects I can also say, that sometimes she can be so stubborn, if she sets something in her mind, you really cannot change that, this is good in a way, but also bad.She has also a complexion, she gets mad so fast, but the good thing is that she gets over it very fast also. She is sometimes a bit shy and reserved, but regardless to this her soul is worth a million bucks, and I love her so much.
    She is friend that i can count on at any time of the day or night,and i feel very lucky to have her as my friend.
    Portrait de mon amie
    Ma meilleure amie s'appelle Timi.
    Pour son portrait physique je pourrais dire bien des choses. D'abord, elle a 22 ans, ses cheveux sont chatain clair, ses yeux sont verts,
    elle mesure 1 metre 64, et pese 50 kilos.
    Pour son portrait moral je peux dire bien plus de choses. Cette sorte de portrait est un peu difficile. Pour un portrait physique au contraire on dit ce qu'on voit, et on peut tout voir, c'est-a-dire l'apparence, la facon de s'habiller. Mais pour un portrait moral, les sentiments et les pensees sont en quelque sorte caches; on peut seulement voir ce que cette personne veut bien laisser voir.
    Elle a tres bon coeur, et plein d'humour. Elle a beaucoup d'intelligence, dont elle sait tres bien se servir. Elle est tres genereuse avec ses amis et aussi avec les inconnus. On pourrait presque dire que ceci la mene a etre un peu naive. Mais c'est seulement parce quelle a tres bon coeur et qu'elle aime aider tout le monde. Elle a trop de bonte dans ce monde mechant.
    Elle possede un temperament tres joyeux. Elle aime donner des explications aux gens, et elle aime les faire rire aussi souvent que possible. Et elle est toujours prete a aider. Elle a aussi un don etonnant pour trouver des choses nouvelles.
    Elle a un petit ami qu'elle aime tendrement. Elle est tres heureuse avec lui. J'espere que ce bonheur a deux continuera, car je pense qu'ils sont fait l'un pour l'autre. Sa conduite envers lui n'a qu'un defaut: elle est tres jalouse et ne peut s'empecher d'avoir ce sentiment, car elle l'aime tant qu'elle a peur de le perdre.

    Au sujet de ses autres defauts je peux dire ceci: parfois, elle peut etre si obstinee qu'on ne peut pas changer son opinion sur certains sujets. Dans certain cas c'est une bonne chose, mais, dans d'autres cas, ce peut etre une mauvaise chose. Elle a tendance a se mettre facilement en colere, mais cela ne dure pas. Elle est parfois un peu timide et sur la reserve. Mais
    malgre tout c'est une ame hors de pair, et je l'aime de tout mon coeur.Je peux compter sur elle en toute occasion. J'ai beaucoup de chance qu'elle soit mon amie.
    I hope this translation is done in time.
  3. tigress_tim's Avatar

    tigress_tim said:


    Well, it was like 1 and half hour late
    But not important now!
    She will just have to hand it in next week

    Thanks a lot!!!!

    " Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive. "