Need help with a song

Thread: Need help with a song

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  1. DIJ Metal said:

    Default Need help with a song

    I was watching a live Linkin Park video and at the end it showed the tag of the person who ripped the video and there was a song that is just guitar but before the guitar starts there's a robot voice that says "we both stepped in blood" or something to that effect. I was wondering if anyone knew what song it is?
  2. DIJ Metal said:


    if I don't know the name of the song how am I supposed to search by title?
  3. DIJ Metal said:


    if I knew what the title was I wouldn't be asking what the title is. jeez
  4. mixy said:


  5. mixy said:


    wt the hll hppnd??????
  6. DIJ Metal said:

