Making the band 3 final episode

Thread: Making the band 3 final episode

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  1. Smalls said:

    Question Making the band 3 final episode

    The girls sre in the studio and they sing that one song"Tell me what your think'n about when your waiting so patiently?" Does n e 1 know that song or who sings it?
  2. xinnocencex said:


    Hey! I`m looking for that too =/ apperantly no one knows *Sigh*...Ive had that song inmy head for the longest >_< not to mention there`s alot of other threads about it and no ones replied =/ or gave the right song. Blah. But if you come up with anythihg you should let us all know =)
  3. student81523 said:


    some1 plaease help with this song it was my favorite
  4. bowwowlova4lyfe12b said:


    1st you need to spell please right