Haytham Yousif – El-bidaya [*]

Thread: Haytham Yousif – El-bidaya [*]

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  1. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:

    Smile Haytham Yousif – El-bidaya [*]

    البداية – هيثم يوسف
    Haytham yousif – El-bidaya

    لا لاتفرح مو هاي النهاية
    La la tifra7 mo hathi el-nihaya
    No ,don’t become happy ,this is not the end

    اني خسرت صح بس هاي البداية
    Ani khsart sa7 ,bas hai el-bidaya
    I have been lost ,its true ,but this is the beginning

    والزمن بعده طويل يا ويلك مني ياويلك
    Wil-zaman ba3da tweel ya welak minni ya welak
    And the time is still long remaining ,when you will go from me ??

    يلي جرحت قلبي واتجاهلت شكواية
    Yalli jra7t galbi galbi w itjahalt shakwaia
    You ,who hurt my heart ,and ignored my complaint

    الدنيا هذي طبعها تدور
    El-dniya hathi tab3ha tidoor
    This world is rotating

    اليوم دوري وباجر عليكي الدور
    El-yom dori w bajr 3aleki el-dor
    Today is my turn ,but tomorrow is yours

    اذكر حسرتي ولاتنسى يامغرور
    Ithkor 7asriti w la tinsa ya maghror
    Remember my pain and don’t forget it ,arrogant

    واعذرني لو قلبي قسى انت ظلمتني هواية
    W i3thorni law galbi qssa inta thlamitni hwaia
    And excuse me if my heart became cruel ,you betrayed me too much

    ياما ترجيتك بس انت الي خليت
    Yama trajetak bas inta ele khilet
    How often I begged you ,but you left

    ولحبنه خط رجعة ماخليت
    W li 7obna khat raj3a ma khalet
    And you didn’t let any returning line for our love

    حسيت نفسك قوي باحلامي هديت
    7asset b nafsak qawi ba7lami hadet
    You felt yourself as a strong ,and destroyed my dreams

    بينك وبيني زمان يلي جنت دنياية
    Benak w bene zaman yali jnt dniyaya
    The time is between you and me ,you who was my life

  2. born2btough's Avatar

    born2btough said:


    thank you for the nice posting... keep doing the great job pls....

    have a great day..
  3. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:


    thanx , i hope you like it
  4. born2btough's Avatar

    born2btough said:


    yeah l like almost most of your posting of songs, they are great and most of them are sad song as l like.

    thanks again ...