Desperate to find - older, acoustic guitar, male vocalist, some lyrics

Thread: Desperate to find - older, acoustic guitar, male vocalist, some lyrics

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  1. anadyomene said:

    Default Desperate to find - older, acoustic guitar, male vocalist, some lyrics

    Please help! I heard this song while eating at an A & W restaurant and I thought it was very beautiful, but I can't find the title or artist at all. The fact that it was playing in an A & W says that it is probably from the 50s to 70s and shouldn't be terribly obscure. Please don't laugh if it's a really obvious song... I'm young. It was before my time.

    The style of the song itself says 60s or 70s to me and not likely 80s. It was acoustic guitar, slow paced, with a soft-voiced male vocalist and the key phrase I can recall is something like "I will try to set you free", with an additional line that had something to do with "from your sins" or something like that, but the two lines weren't together.

    Thanks so much!
  2. dwsiddall said:


    Probably Uncle Kracker, "Follow Me"
  3. anadyomene said:


    Quote Originally Posted by dwsiddall View Post
    Probably Uncle Kracker, "Follow Me"
    Thank you for your reply but this is not the same song, no. The song I heard had a slower pace than this one.

    Thanks again for giving it a shot!