Burak Kut

Thread: Burak Kut

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  1. wnad said:

    Default Burak Kut

    and there is another song by him i think it is yatsi or something
    lyrics and translation if you know what i am talkng about please
  2. mephy said:


    the word yatsi doesn't make any sense maybe you should post lyrics or a link of youtube or sth...
  3. wnad said:


    Gzlerim tkendi bu akam
    Neden allahm bu ceza
    Bedenim donuk, ellerim souk
    Ayrlk var yine yalnzm
    Sen sevdiimdin, bebeimdin
    Neden ayrldk
    Sen tutamadm ieimdin
    Bir tanem neden ayrldk
    Sigaram sensiz bitiyor
    Ah akm iim yanyor
    Soudu odam yalnzm yine
    Yapamam ben sensiz dur dinle
    Lyrics & Music: Feyyaz Kuruþ
    Yalnýzlýklardan yoruldum usandým
    Sensiz gecelerden sýkýldým bunaldým
    Sýmsýký saran ateþi gözledim
    O sýmsýcak bakan gözleri özledim
    Tutuþur anýlar uykusuzluðumda
    Yetiþir sevdalar umutsuzluðumda
    Bin korku sarar senin yokluðunda
    Yangýnlar çýkar susuzluðumda
    Aþkýna yürüyen sesimi duyuyorsun
    Gittikçe büyüyen dert oluyorsun
    Sana söylüyorum farkýnda mýsýn ama
    Seni seviyorum ah biliyorsun
    Benimle oynama
    Söyledim sana
    Þansýný zorlama
    Uðurlar olsun
  4. wnad said:


    this is the benimly oinama lyrics i think
    i cant find the other one
    the other one the video is when he is riding a motorcycle and he is on a roof with few dancers and he is wearing a long coat
    do you recall it?
  5. PlainChaos said:


    Here's the translation for the other song. It's called "Bebeğim", which means "Honey" or "My Baby": http://www.allthelyrics.com/forum/tu...t-bebe-im.html
    Last edited by PlainChaos; 11-17-2008 at 01:30 PM.
  6. wnad said:


    plainchaos thanks but i dont think that is the song although i will take the translation and thank you