Poem Translation

Thread: Poem Translation

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  1. indelwyn's Avatar

    indelwyn said:

    Default Poem Translation

    Can someone please translate this for me.. PLZZZZZ..


  2. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:


    When you will know how much I adore you
    you man whom I sold for youe sake ,all the world

    whom I have challenged with countries for his love
    and I will keep on in this challenge

    if you ask for a sea ..i will pour it in your eyes
    if you ask for a sun .. I will throw it to your arm

    I love you ..i’ll write that above the clouds
    And I’ll narrate it for the birds and the trees

    I love you , I will draw it above the water
    And I will irrigate it for catkins and goblets

    I love you , you who’s like a sword that flowed my blood
    You are a story ,I don’t know what to name it

    I love you … try to help me
    Because who had started the tragedy should complete it

    And who had opened the door should close it
    And who had burned the fire should extinguish it
  3. indelwyn's Avatar

    indelwyn said:


  4. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:


    welcome anytime