two songs: Her Tel Saci Bir Ter Dudagin and El Erdirmek Visali Yare Pek Guc

Thread: two songs: Her Tel Saci Bir Ter Dudagin and El Erdirmek Visali Yare Pek Guc

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  1. oudplayer said:

    Default two songs: Her Tel Saci Bir Ter Dudagin and El Erdirmek Visali Yare Pek Guc

    Can anyone translate these beautiful sarki lyrics for me?

    not sure if all this is right:
    Her tel saci bir ter dudagin degdigi yerdir
    uslanmadi yaslanmadi hayret senelerdir
    bir gulki he nuz gon ca gibi rayi ha verdir

    el erdirmek visali yare pek guc
    su mahzun gonlume bir care pek guc
    te hammul han de i ag yare pek guc

    thank you very much!
  2. creak's Avatar

    creak said:


    her tel saçı bir ter dudağın değdiği yerdir
    every single hair is a place, where a wet lip touched
    uslanmadı yaşlanmadı hayret senelerdir
    its amazing; didnt settle down, didnt get old for years
    bir gül ki henüz gonca gibi rayihaverdir
    a rose, smells sweet as a rosebud
    uslanmadı yaşlanmadı hayret senelerdir
    its amazing; didnt settle down, didnt get old for years

    El erdirmek visali yare pek güç
    its hard to reach hands to return to loved one
    şu mahzun gönlüme bir çare pek güç
    its hard to get a cure to my downcast heart
    tahammül hande-i ağyare pek güç
    its hard to tolerate others' smiles
    şu mahzun gönlüme bir çare pek güç
    its hard to get a cure to my downcast heart

    this one was hard...
    i hope it helps you...
  3. oudplayer said:


    you helped me so much today! thank you for your time, and now when i sing these songs there will be so much more heart in the music...thank you, cok tessekur ederiz!
  4. creak's Avatar

    creak said:


    you are welcomee...