Thompson songs to english

Thread: Thompson songs to english

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  1. tara t-rex's Avatar

    tara t-rex said:

    Thumbs up Thompson songs to english

    just a few :]
    -sine moj
    -kletva kralja znonimira
    -neka ni'ko ne dira u moj mali dio svemira
    -lipa kaja
    -moj dida i ja

    you can find all the lyrics here:

    its way easier that way then copying them all onto this.

  2. bosrap's Avatar

    bosrap said:


    Moj Dida I ja (my grandfather and me)

    Preko polja kroz sjećanje ide
    across the fields of memorys he is coming
    krsan čovik, tvrde brade sive
    an old weak man,with hard gray beard
    pamtim pogled, tu toplinu oka
    i can remember his look,and the warm of his eyes
    i svaka riječ je bila mu duboka
    every word of him was deep

    čvrst je dida bio kao stijena
    my grandfather was hard as rock
    hrabra srca i kamenih gena
    with brave heart and genes of stone
    sva je mudrost utkana u njemu
    he had all the wisdom inside him
    njegove su priče učile me svemu
    his story thought me everything

    poštenim putem ići bit će teško, znaj
    you should know that it wont be easy to use the fiar way
    al' samo ćeš tako stići gdje je vječni sjaj
    but only that way you will come there where the glow stays forever(heaven)

    Hej, da mi je s tobom kao prije dočekati zore
    i wish i could wait for the dusk with you together like before
    pogledati dolje sa Svilaje na Petrovo polje
    to look down from svilaja (mountain) on Petrovo Polje(town)
    moj dida i ja, prijatelja dva
    my grandfather and me,two friends
    drugo vrijeme, ista sudbina
    other time,but same destiny

    Gleda na me planina Svilaja
    The mountain Svilaja is watching me
    sa očima njegovoga sjaja
    with his glowing eyes
    crpio je snagu tamo gore
    he was taking his strenght up there
    planina mu iscrtala bore
    the mountain drawed his lines

    Njegove su ispucale ruke
    his hands
    meni bile kao mirne luke
    were my calm harbors
    kako da mu zahvalim na svemu
    how can i ever thank him
    sinu ime dao sam po njemu
    i give his name to my son

    poštenim putem ići bit će teško, znaj
    you should know that it wont be easy to use the fiar way
    al' samo ćeš tako stići gdje je vječni sjaj
    but only that way you will come there where the glow stays forever(heaven)

    Hej, da mi je pogledati dolje
    i wish i could watch down again
    sa Svilaje na Petrovo polje
    from Svilaja on Petrovo Polje
    pa da viknem jače od oluje
    so that i can scream stronger then the brewing Storm
    da me dida još jedanput čuje
    that my grandfather can hear me once again

    will translate the rest later
    Last edited by bosrap; 12-09-2008 at 08:57 AM.
  3. bosrap's Avatar

    bosrap said:


    Istok, Zapad, svako brani svoje
    east,west,everybody is defending his own
    a ja ne sm'jem ono što je moje oduvijek
    and i can't defend my own?
    jedini moj svijet
    my only world

    I samo zato za njih sam fašista
    only because of that i'm fascist for them
    a nikad nisam htio tuđe ništa
    even if i never wanted anything which belonged to someone else
    samo nju, zemlju slobodnu
    only her(Croatia),to be free

    Mirno živim ponosan na svome
    i'm living calm life,proud on my own
    makar nije uvijek sve po mome
    even if it isn't like i would like it to be

    Napadaju ta sluganska pera
    those slaves(ppl.who think that he's fascist) are attacking me
    k'o da oni branili su sela
    like they were defending our villages
    miševi iz rupa izišli
    those mices finally came out of their holes

    Eh, što im se povampire lica
    they faces become red
    kad se vije naša šahovnica
    when they see our flag waveing
    sveta zastava
    the holy flag

    Mirno živim ponosan na svome
    i'm living calm life,proud on my own
    makar nije uvijek sve po mome
    even if it isn't like i would like it to be

    Nek' se čuje, nek' se zna
    i want them/ you hear and to know
    nek' vijori zastava
    and to wave the flag
    neka nitko ne dira
    no one should ever touch
    u moj mali dio svemira
    my little piece of universe (Croatia)

    U eteru lažu, obmanjuju ljude
    they are lying to the people
    tako lako pravednima sude
    and judging the innocent
    jesam kriv zato što sam živ
    i'm guilty for being alive

    Domoljublje prozvali fašizam
    patriotism became because of theme fascims
    tako brani njihov komunizam
    that's the way they are defending their communism
    prozirna demagogija
    influence which you can easy see

    Mirno živim ponosan na svome
    i'm living calm life,pround on my own
    makar nije uvijek sve po mome
    even if it isn't like i would like it to be
  4. tara t-rex's Avatar

    tara t-rex said:


    thanks a bunch :]
  5. bosrap's Avatar

    bosrap said:


    Sine moj/my son

    šutnja je često jača i od riječi/silence is often stronger than the words
    ali pjesma ruši sve/but the song ruins everything
    tuku na me vjetrovi razni/diffrent winds are beating me
    al' ne dam se zbog tebe/but i won't give up because of you
    o, sine moj/my son

    Znam da sa tvojim pogledom toplim/i know that in your warm look
    vidiš u meni sve/you can see everything inside me
    ali ja tebe gledam k'o nebo/but i'm watching you as heaven
    i živim za tebe/and living for you
    o, sine moj/my son

    Neka na putu tvom' vodi te Bog/God will guide you on your way
    izdati nećeš tad ti roda svog/you want betray your blood
    samo je vjera sačuvala mene/only faith has protected me
    ljubio sam Boga, a On mi dao tebe/i have kissed God(praid to him),and he gave me you
    sine moj/my son

    Neka u tvom srcu uvijek ima mjesta/keep in your heart a place
    za dobre ljude sve/for every good people
    koji pod svetim barjakom idu/who are crossing the holy way
    kroz javu i kroz sne/through dreams and awakening

    šutnja je često jača i od riječi/silence is often stronger than the words
    ali pjesma ruši sve/but the song ruins everything
    i tebe će tući vjetrovi razni/the diffrent winds will beat you to
    al' ne daj da slome te/don't let them break you
    o, sine moj/my son
  6. bosrap's Avatar

    bosrap said:


    Lipa Kaja/Beautiful Kaja(name)

    Dok se mjesec nebom zlati/while the moon is shining from the sky
    znam da tvoja duša pati/i know that your soul is suffering
    ja te molim, ne predaj se/I'm beging you don't give up

    Jer kad zora u dan pukne/when the dusk becomes the day
    bit će kasno da jaukne/it will be too late to scream
    glasa tvoga niko čuti neće/no one will hear your voice

    Da su tvoji prije znali/if only your family knew
    kome su te obećali/whom they've promised you

    Ne daj bože da sad ode/God won't let you go
    kad smo došli do slobode/now that we're free
    lipa Kajo roda moga/beautifull Kaja,from my country
    ne udaj se za drugoga/don't merry another one
    hej, lipa Kajo, lipa Kajo/beautiful Kaja,beautiful Kaja

    Kad na Gackom zora pukne/when the dusk comes over gacka(town and river)
    bit će kasno da jaukne/it will be too late to scream
    glasa tvoga niko čuti neće/no one will hear your voice
    Da su tvoji prije znali/if only your family knew
    kome su te obećali/ whom they've promised you
  7. bosrap's Avatar

    bosrap said:


    Kletva kralja Zvonimira-The curse of king Zvonimir

    Prodali su naše snove Judini sinovi/our dreams were betrayed by Judas sons
    suho zlato bacili u blato/they throwed our gold into mud
    buđenje je bilo tako lijepo, možda prekasno/the awakening was so beautiful,maybe to beautiful
    i nevinom krvlju plaćeno/paid with the blood of the innocent

    Ej, umorna zemljo izmučena/you tired and wratched country
    ima li još tko umrijeti za te/is there anybody who will die for you

    Prodali su naše snove Judini sinovi/our dreams were betrayed by Judas sons
    suho zlato bacili u blato/they throwed our gold into mud
    pred vratima tuđim opet za pravdu molimo/in front of the door of others we are beging for justice
    težak sada križ mi nosimo/and carrying an heavy cross

    Ej, umorna zemljo izmučena/you tired and wratched country
    ima li još tko umrijeti za te/is there anybody who will die for you

    Kralju Dmitre Zvonimire/King Dmitar Zvonimir
    kroz planine odjekuju krici/ the screams are echoing through the mountains
    u tamnici tvoji su vojnici/youre soldiers are in doungeons

    Izdajice, ne imali mira/you betrayals i hope you won't get any peace
    ubili ste kralja Zvonimira/you have killed king zvonimir
    izdali ste naše velikane/you have betrayed our big heroes
    i sinove što su majke dale/and sons who have been borned by our mothers

    jučer gledam sliku naroda/i'm watching the picture of my landsmans
    baca cvijeće po herojima/throwing flowers on our heroes
    a već sutra pobjednike sude/but tommorow they judge the winers
    prodaše ih za Judine skude/and sold them to judas bastards
  8. bosrap's Avatar

    bosrap said:



    In pricipio erat verbum et verbum erat apud Deum et Deus erat verbum
    (that's latin it means..At the beginning was the word, the word was from God,God was the word... or something like that.. i'm not so sure)

    Na pocetku stvorio je svjetlo/at the beginning he created the light
    i covjeka da Mu bude slika/and the human to be a picture of hime
    evo ti pa vladaj zemljom pravedno/take and rule over the earth with justice

    Prvo vrijeme covjek bjese dobar/at the beginning he was good(human)
    bjese slika i prilika Boga/God's picture and chance
    sve dok nije htio puno vise/till he wanted more

    Na svog brata digao je ruku/he rose his hand on his brother
    otimao zemlju, latio se maca/stealed the land and took the sword
    prevario svoga Oca i zagazi u grijeh/he betrayed his father and commit sins

    Kise padaju, polja radjaju, djeca sanjaju/rains are falling,country side is birthing,children are dreaming
    nije nas ostavio Bog/God haven't left us

    I od tada covjek vara Boga/since then the man is betraying God
    na sve strane ratovi i droga/on every side wars and drugs
    kao da je Zemlja izgubljeni svijet/the Earth is like an lost world

    Svadjaju se narodi i rase/people and races are fighting
    i proroci lazni zaludjuju mase/people are been led by sins
    djeca, vjera, tijelo, prodaje se sve/children,faith,body.. everything is selling today

    Nekad covjek bjese samo lovac/once the man was a hunter
    a sad bliznjeg ubija za novac/now he's killing his friends for money
    napada i krade i svijetom sije strah/he's attacking,stealing and spreading fear

    Tvoje rijeci izvrnuli, Boze/They have turned your words God
    k'o da s Vragom zive ispod koze/like if they are living with the devil
    ne znaju za milost, ni za kajanje/they don't know the mercy and how to regret

    A ja necu zivjet' u tom grijehu/i won't live in that sin
    necu takav put za nasu djecu/i don't want that kind of way for our children
    ej da moze moja pjesma popraviti svijet/if my song could repair the world

    Obranimo ljubav, ona svima treba/defend our love,we all need that
    prastanje i nada darovi su s neba/forgivness and hope are presents from heaven
    pogledaj u oci Stvoritelju svom/look in the eyes of your creator

    Nije nas, nije nas/he haven't,he haven't
    nije nas ostavio Bog/God haven't left us

  9. tara t-rex's Avatar

    tara t-rex said:


    yay thank you! it means a lot that you helped me out so fast :]
  10. bosrap's Avatar

    bosrap said:


    Quote Originally Posted by tara t-rex View Post
    yay thank you! it means a lot that you helped me out so fast :]
    anytime =)
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