Funky G - Kafana na Balkanu & Bice mi tesko [for Natalie.K ;)]

Thread: Funky G - Kafana na Balkanu & Bice mi tesko [for Natalie.K ;)]

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  1. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Funky G - Kafana na Balkanu & Bice mi tesko [for Natalie.K ;)]

    Funky G - Kafana na Balkanu ~ Cafe on the Balkans

    Banku za pijanku...
    Ten bucks for a drinking party

    Groznica subotnje veceri udara,
    Saterday night fever hits
    drma, ljulja, obara sa nogu
    Shakes, swings, overturns
    skoro ce nedelja ujutru
    Sunday morning is comming soon
    pravo vreme za ples i za ljubav novu
    It's the right time for dancing and for a new love

    Banku za pijanku, banku za igranku
    Ten bucks for a drinking party, ten bucks for a dancing party
    još kuci nije nikome u planu
    To go home still isn't anyone's plan
    tu gde se luduje, tu gde se tuguje,
    Here where there is crazyness, here where there is sadness
    tu Bog stvori kafanu na Balkanu
    Here God created a cafe on the Balkans

    Vatra za dlanove, sentiš za parove
    Fire for the handpalms, a slow song for the couples
    pod ovim nebom ptice smo u letu
    Under this sky we are birds while flying
    i kad se luduje, i kad se tuguje
    And when there is crazyness, and when there is sadness
    ma ovo nema na ovom belom svetu
    Well there isn't something like this in the wide world

    Groznica subotnje veceri udara
    Saterday night fever hits
    drma, ljulja, širi se po gradu
    Shakes, swings, spreads around town
    skoro ce nedelja ujutru
    Sunday morning is comming soon
    pravo vreme za ples i za novu nadu
    It's the right time for dancing and for new hope


    Pevaj kafano na Balkanu
    Sing cafe on the Balkans
    nek' lete caše po plafonu, po plafonu i betonu
    Let the glasses fly on the ceiling, on the ceiling and on concrete
    pevaju u inat svakom bolu
    Sing out of spite of every pain
    sipaj viski, dodaj coca colu
    Pour whiskey, add coca cola


    Banku za pijanku...
    Ten bucks for a drinking party
  2. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:

    Smile Funky G - Bice mi tesko ~ It will be hard for me

    Funky G - Bice mi tesko ~ It will be hard for me

    Kazes mi daj navrati, u ime svih godina
    You tell me to drop by, in the name of all those years
    Srce mi rece kreni, a razum povika
    My hearts said go, but my reason protests
    Ne budi luda, kad dobro znas
    Don't be crazy, when you know well
    Da svaka rec mu je cista laz
    That his every word is a lie
    Uvek ce isti ostati
    He'll always stay the same
    I zato smesta odlazi
    So leave immediately

    Bice mi tesko bez tebe, mozda i tebi bez mene
    It will be hard for me without you, maybe also for you without me
    Al' sve je tako, kako je
    But everything is the way it is
    To sto se mora, lako je, lako je
    That what has to be, is easy, is easy
    Gde god da bio srecan mi bio
    Wherever you are, be happy
    A ja cu stalno plakati tajno
    But I'll always cry secretly

    Kazes mi daj navrati, necemo doveka
    You tell me to drop by, we won't be forever
    Srce mi rece kreni, a razum povika
    My hearts said go, but my reason protests
    Ne budi luda, kad dobro znas
    Don't be crazy, when you know well
    Da svaka rec mu je cista laz
    That his every word is a lie
    Da bezbroj lica ima taj
    That he has innumerable faces
    Da menja narav svaki dan
    That he changes his personality every day
  3. PrincessMarina said:


    is the song vestica iz srbije already translated???o.o
  4. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Yes. It's in Macedonian sub-forum. Here:

    Vrcak ft. Funky G- Vestica iz Srbije
  5. PrincessMarina said:


    thank you