ricardo montaner

Thread: ricardo montaner

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  1. loosewheel said:

    Default ricardo montaner

    could someone be so kind as to post the translations for "cada vez" and "angelical" they are both very beautiful songs and I would like to understand them but I tried to translate them but it makes no sense to me. Thank you in advance
  2. MaresLejanos said:


    Tittle: Cada vez (Every time)
    Artist: Ricardo Montaner

    Voy de mal en peor otra tarde de aquí para allá.
    I'm going bad and bad (/going from bad to worse), another afternoon(/evening) going from here to there
    Provocando la casualidad de verte pasar.
    I cause the chance to see you passing
    Busco un sitio común donde exista alguien común,
    I look for common place, where a common person exists
    que teniendo algo en común,
    that having something in common
    me pueda decir la posición que debo tomar ,
    they could tell me the position I have to take (tell me where I have to go))
    la próxima vez que quiera desertar.
    the next time taht I'll want to leave

    Cada vez que te vas
    Every time you leave(/go away)
    se me eclipsa el sol se reseca el mar,
    the sun eclipses for me, the sea dries for me
    cada vez que te vas
    Every time you leave(/go away)
    una simple lluvia es tempestad.
    A simple lluvia is a storm
    Cada vez que te vas
    Every time you leave(/go away)
    se me mueve el piso al caminar.
    The floor moves when I walk
    Cada vez que te vas
    Every time you leave(/go away)

    Cae en contradicción, mi cerebro y mi corazón,
    It fall in contradiction, my brain and my heart (/my brain and my heart fall in contradiction)
    la balanza se inclina del lado de la emoción.
    The balance is tilted on the side of emotion
    Sigo caminando hacia atrás en un caracol
    I contunue walking to back, like snail
    me quieres transformar.
    You want to transform me!
  3. MaresLejanos said:


    Tittle: Angelical (Angelic)
    Artist: Ricardo montaner

    Viene corriendo despacio
    She's comming running slowly
    saltando contenta que abrió un girasol.
    jumping happy because she opened a sunflower
    Vive alegrando mi vida
    She lives making my life happy
    y apenas existe en mi imaginación.
    And hardly she exists in my imagination(/mind)
    Sabe cantar muy bien, pintar muy bien
    She knows sing very good, pain very good
    revuelca en el pasto su amor.
    She wallows in the grass her love

    Cuando estarás aquí, sonriéndome,
    When will you be here?, smiling at me
    no te sigas haciendo esperar.
    Please, don't me make wait more (for you)
    Cuando estarás aquí en la vida real,
    When will you be here in the real life?
    alegrando sonriente mi hogar... angelical.
    Making happy my home while you smie... angelic

    Cubre de pecas mi espacio,
    She covers of freckles my place (space)
    de mil carcajadas y trozos de pan.
    with thousand laughs and bread peaces
    Desenredando sus rizos,
    untangling her curls,
    a pasos tranquilos me viene a buscar.
    She comes for me with calmed step
    Suele mirar el tren alejándose
    She's used to see the train going away
    y compra mi amor con amor.
    And she buys my love with love
  4. loosewheel said:


    thank you, i guess i want too far off the meaning, both these songs i guess are a little strange.