Salman 7meed - Ajmal ensanah

Thread: Salman 7meed - Ajmal ensanah

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  1. dmoo3's Avatar

    dmoo3 said:

    Cool Salman 7meed - Ajmal ensanah


    will i want lyrics in english font
    and translation plz

    thanx very much

    if love was a crime.....
    i would be in jail for ever
    an apple a day keeps
    the doctor away........
    if the doctor is cute
    forget the fruit.... XD
  2. ab123 said:


    Salman Hameed – ajmal insana

    Sa3b ajbr 3yooni tnaam fe leila w enti za3laana
    صعب اجبر عيوني تنام في ليلة وانتي زعلانة
    Its hard for me to oblige my eyes to sleep while you are angry

    Wa itha marrat 3aley ayyam ajeek brou7y welhana
    واذا مرت علية ايام اجيك بروحي ولهانة
    And if days passed I will come to you with my amorous soul

    Ma3y 7ubb w bgaya a7lam w bagat ward khajlana
    معي حب وبقاية احلام وباقة ورد خجلانة
    With love and dreams ,and with shyful bouquet of flower

    Khajool il ward ma ynlam li ennik ajmal ensanah
    خجول الورد ما ينلام لانك اجمل انسانة
    The flower is shyful ,it can’t be blamed ,because you are more beautiful than her

    3asa Allah la yjeeb khisaam li ajl 7ubbna w 3lashaana
    عسى الله لايجيب خصام لاجل حبنا وعلشانه
    I hope the God will not allow any more conflicts for the sake of our love

    Wa kllma mar feena 3aam hawana toureg aghsana
    وكلما مر فينا عام هوانا تورق اغصانه
    Whenever a year passed ,the branches of our love will foliate

    Ana shougy yzeed hyaam ktr ma rou7y 3ashgana
    انا شوقي يزيد هيام كثر ما روحي عشقانة
    My longing’s passion is increasing because of my great love

    W ana men raasi lil agdam msha3ir 7ob 3atshana
    وانا من راسي للاقدام مشاعر حب عطشانة
    Im from my head to my feet full of emotions and thirsty love

    Translated by ams298. I added the transliteration.
    Last edited by ab123; 01-12-2009 at 04:10 PM.
  3. dmoo3's Avatar

    dmoo3 said:


    mashkoor(a) ktheer
    thanx very much
    if love was a crime.....
    i would be in jail for ever
    an apple a day keeps
    the doctor away........
    if the doctor is cute
    forget the fruit.... XD