BUG Mafia - Pana cand moartea ne va desparti

Thread: BUG Mafia - Pana cand moartea ne va desparti

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  1. albinutza said:

    Default BUG Mafia - Pana cand moartea ne va desparti

    Could you, please, translate into English :
    BUG Mafia - Pana cand moartea ne va desparti
  2. Lady_A said:


    BUG Mafia - Till death do us part

    Avem acelasi sange-n vine si frati vom fi
    We have the same blood in our veins and we'll be brothers
    Pan-atunci cand moartea ne va desparti.
    Till death do us part
    Pentru ca nimeni, niciodata, nimeni n-o sa poata,
    Because no one, never, no one will be able
    Nu, sa ne desparta
    To separate us
    Avem acelasi sange-n vine si frati vom fi
    We have the same blood in our veins and we'll be brothers
    Pan-atunci cand moartea ne va desparti.
    Till death do us part
    Pentru ca nimeni, niciodata, nimeni n-o sa poata,
    Because no one, never, no one will be able
    Nu, sa ne desparta
    To separate us x 2

    Totul a inceput aici in cartier:
    Everything started here in the district:
    Socului-Pantelimon, in Sud-Est Bucuresti.
    Socului-Pantelimon, South-Eastern Bucharest
    Era o familie obisnuita fara prea multi bani,
    It was an ordinary family, not very wealhty
    Cu doi copii gemeni ce cresteau printre golani.
    With two twins who were growing up among guttersnipes
    Erau pustani, iar mama lor se chinuia.
    They were kids and their mother was making the effort
    Dar barbacsu o batea, ii lua banii si ii bea.
    But her husband was beating her, taking her money and drinking them
    Toni si Alex intrau in belea mereu.
    Toni and Alex were always getting into troubles.
    Toata ziua erau pe-afara.
    They were out all they long.
    Nu se mai duceau la scoala.
    They were not going to school anymore.
    Intr-o zi banala cand ma-sa venea acasa
    One ordinary day when their mother was coming home
    Ei erau plecati, barbacsu era varza.
    They were out, her husband was blind drunk.
    Din nou ii cere bani, stiind c-a fost zi de leafa.
    He's asking her for money again, he knows it's been pay day
    Ea nu vrea sa-i dea, el incepe sa o bata.
    She doesn't want to give it to him, he starts beating her.
    Femeia speriata, infuriata l-a-njunghiat,
    Frightened and angry, the woman stabbed him
    Iar el disperat a sarit cu ea pe geam.
    And him, desperate, jumped out the window with her.
    Doi copii au ramas orfani in lume,
    Two children were left orphans in the world
    Singuri la cinspe' ani in viata asta de doi bani.
    Alone, at the age of 15, in this miserable life.

    Avem acelasi sange-n vine si frati vom fi
    We have the same blood in our veins and we'll be brothers
    Pan-atunci cand moartea ne va desparti.
    Till death do us part
    Pentru ca nimeni, niciodata, nimeni n-o sa poata,
    Because no one, never, no one will be able
    Nu, sa ne desparta
    To separate us
    Avem acelasi sange-n vine si frati vom fi
    We have the same blood in our veins and we'll be brothers
    Pan-atunci cand moartea ne va desparti.
    Till death do us part
    Pentru ca nimeni, niciodata, nimeni n-o sa poata,
    Because no one, never, no one will be able
    Nu, sa ne desparta
    To separate us

    Toni si Alex au ramas singuri pe lume,
    Toni and Alex were left alone in the world
    Neavand cine sa-i creasca, bunici.. sau alte rude.
    Having no one to raise them, no grandparents...or other relatives.
    Bani s-au terminat usor, fara ajutor.
    Money went away easily, without any help.
    Alex a plecat sa isi faca un viitor,
    Alex left to make a future for himself
    Toni a ramas in cartier cu ceilalti baieti.
    Toni remained in the neighbourhood with the other guys.
    Traia din ce fura nimeni nu stia ce facea.
    He was making a living out of what he was stealing, nobody knew what he was doing.
    Avea, o gramad' de bani din droguri si femei
    He was having lots of money made out of drugs and women
    Statea intre jmecheri si-ajunsese unul dintre ei.
    He was living among dodgers and he had become one of them
    Isi cumparase casa, masini si celular,
    He bought a house, cars and a cell-phone
    Dar era-n zadar, nu-si gasea fratele hoinar.
    But all that was in vain, he couldn't find his vagrant brother
    Acum era-nsurat si-avea si el doi gemeni,
    He was married now and had twins
    Le pusese numele Alex si Toni.
    He named them Toni and Alex.

    Avem acelasi sange-n vine si frati vom fi
    We have the same blood in our veins and we'll be brothers
    Pan-atunci cand moartea ne va desparti.
    Till death do us part
    Pentru ca nimeni, niciodata, nimeni n-o sa poata,
    Because no one, never, no one will be able
    Nu, sa ne desparta
    To separate us
    Avem acelasi sange-n vine si frati vom fi
    We have the same blood in our veins and we'll be brothers
    Pan-atunci cand moartea ne va desparti.
    Till death do us part
    Pentru ca nimeni, niciodata, nimeni n-o sa poata,
    Because no one, never, no one will be able
    Nu, sa ne desparta
    To separate us

    Intr-o zi iata.. s-au reintalnit,
    One day...they met again
    Doar ca unul e borfas iar altul gabor in oras.
    Just that one of them is a guttersnipe and the other is a cop
    Borfasii fata-n fata cu gaborii si armata
    The guttersnipes face to face with the cops and the army
    Erau acuzati grav, de crima organizata.
    They were charged with heavy accusations, of organized crime
    Amintindu-si de trecut
    Remembering the past
    Cei doi s-au recunoscut.
    The two of them recognized each other
    Cu pistoalele unul spre altul
    With the guns aimed to one another
    Nu stiau ce-i de facut,
    They didn't know what to do
    Cu lacrimi in ochi Toni trage primul.
    With tears in his eyes, Tony shoots first
    Alex cade impuscat: se trage cu adevarat.
    Shot, Alex falls down: they are really shooting
    Toni este eliminat,
    Toni is killed,
    Ciuruit de gloante
    Riddled with bullets
    Si apoi toti ai lui cad fara sperante.
    And then all his people fall down hopelessly
    Unul a trait cinstit celalalt a trisat mereu
    One of them lived honestly, the other has always cheated
    Dar mortii nu-i pasa ca unu-i bun si altu-i rau.
    But death doesn't care that one is good and the other is bad.

    Avem acelasi sange-n vine si frati vom fi
    We have the same blood in our veins and we'll be brothers
    Pan-atunci cand moartea ne va desparti.
    Till death do us part
    Pentru ca nimeni, niciodata, nimeni n-o sa poata,
    Because no one, never, no one will be able
    Nu, sa ne desparta
    To separate us
    Avem acelasi sange-n vine si frati vom fi
    We have the same blood in our veins and we'll be brothers
    Pan-atunci cand moartea ne va desparti.
    Till death do us part
    Pentru ca nimeni, niciodata, nimeni n-o sa poata,
    Because no one, never, no one will be able
    Nu, sa ne desparta
    To separate us
  3. albinutza said:

    Wink Multumesc!

    Multumesc Foarte Foarte Mult!!
    Great song, great lyrics!
  4. raluka said:

    Smile hy

    just wanted to say that evan do its an old song i still loving it!...listening always...anyway...take care