Rami Gamal lyrics + translations

Thread: Rami Gamal lyrics + translations

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  1. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    here we have the best members,thanks to you both dears,daydream and elif
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me
  2. ELEEF's Avatar

    ELEEF said:


    Thank you Larosa

    For sure , you are the best of all ever ^^'
    .. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
    ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
    فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ
  3. ELEEF's Avatar

    ELEEF said:


    enta ma btetnessish - You are unforgettable
    انت مابتتنسيش

    انت ليه مابتتنسيش كل ليلة معاك بعيش
    Why is every night I spend with you , is unforgettable?
    كل يوم بستنى تيجى وانت برضة مبتجنيش
    Every day I wait for you to come , but you don't come
    اه لو اعرف رحت فين كان يدوب فيا الحنين
    Ooh If I only knew where you went , the yearning would melt in me
    كنت عمرى ما هبقى خايفة كنت هصبر سنين
    I would never live afraid , I would be patient for years
    يالى غايب وسايبنى قلبى انا امته ترجع وامته القيك هنا
    O you who is absent and who let my heart , when will you return back and when will I see you?
    كل يوم فى بعدك بيفوت سنة قولى بس انت فين
    Everyday in your absence passes like a year , Just tell me where are you?
    قلبى بعدك محسش بالهوا امته ترجع ونعيش سوا
    After you my heart did never feel in love , when will you return back so that we live together?
    ده انت عمرى ونصيبى من الهوا وانت حلم السنين
    You are my lifetime and my love portion , and you are the dream of many years
    اد ايه انا محتجالك عينى مشتاقة للقاك
    Oh How much I need you , my eye misses to see you
    قد ايه هرتاح بفرح لما احس انى معاك
    How much will I be satisfied , and happy when I feel that I'm with you
    روحى دابت فى غرامك والسكوت فاق الكلامك
    My soul melted in your passion and the silence exceeded your speech
    كل ليلة بدور نفسى يوم اعرف انام
    In every night that passes , I just want to know how to sleep
    .. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
    ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
    فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ
  4. ELEEF's Avatar

    ELEEF said:


    mesh-Khalas - Aren't you done?

    مش خلاص
    مش خلاص قولت اللى عندك مش خلاص مستنى ايه
    Aren't you done saying what you've got?Aren't you?What are you still waiting for?
    مش نويت تعيش لوحدك لسه واقف جنبى ليه
    Didn't you intend to live alone ? why are you still standing beside me ,then?
    امشى وخد منى نن عنيا ابعد عزبنى كل ثانية
    Walk away and take my eye pupil from me , Go away and torture me every second
    نسينى الدنيا دى واذا كان عليا انا هجى على نفسى
    Make me forget this world , if you worry about me , I can handle it
    هنساك وهحاول انسى انى بشتاقلك تبقى جنب منى
    I will forget you and will forget that I miss you staying beside me
    ولوان ده غصب عنى انسى اللى منى او اقول ياعينى انسى
    Even if is unwillingly to forget a part of me or to ask my eye to forget
    كنت ليه خلتنى احبك كنت ليه بحلم معاك
    Why did you let me love you ? Why did I dream with you?
    هان عليك قلبى اللى حبك هيا دى اخرة هواك
    You underestimate my heart which loved you , that's the end
    امشى وخد منى نن عنيا ابعد عزبنى كل ثانية
    Walk away and take my eye pupil from me , Go away and torture me every second
    نسينى الدنيا دى واذا كان عليا انا هجى على نفسى
    Make me forget this world , if you worry about me , I can handle it
    هنساك وهحاول انسى انى بشتاقلك تبقى جنب منى
    I will forget you and will forget that I miss you staying beside me
    ولوان ده غصب عنى انسى اللى منى او اقول ياعينى انسى
    Even if it is unwillingly to forget a part of me or to ask my eye to forget
    .. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
    ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
    فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ
  5. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    i'm not the best ,you guys rock!!!
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me
  6. rh4eva's Avatar

    rh4eva said:


    salam wr wb.. .

    what about rest of the songs?
    yOu aRe mY SKy i doN noO how mUch i knOw u
    buT yoU arE alwayS OvEr me tO cUddle
  7. rh4eva's Avatar

    rh4eva said:


    salam wr wb ...
    dear larosa can you type for me arabic lyrics and translates of these 3 songs...

    "3anne b3eed, ma3ak, Fakerny Hansa"
    Thank you
    yOu aRe mY SKy i doN noO how mUch i knOw u
    buT yoU arE alwayS OvEr me tO cUddle
  8. rh4eva's Avatar

    rh4eva said:


    and this song too

    "Ana 7agi 3ala nafsi"
    yOu aRe mY SKy i doN noO how mUch i knOw u
    buT yoU arE alwayS OvEr me tO cUddle
  9. rh4eva's Avatar

    rh4eva said:



    some one kindly type the lyrics and translates of these songs of Rami Gamal.... shoukran.. .

    3anne b3eed,
    Fakerny Hansa."
    yOu aRe mY SKy i doN noO how mUch i knOw u
    buT yoU arE alwayS OvEr me tO cUddle