Hany Shaker - Almafroud [*]

Thread: Hany Shaker - Almafroud [*]

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  1. inner|fantasy said:

    Default Hany Shaker - Almafroud [*]

    will you please help me translate the song
    almafroud by Hani Shaker

    thankyou i really appreciate it
  2. Dr_Maro said:


    it's a beautiful song with very beautiful and powerful lyrics
    i like it sooooooooo much and i've enjoyed translating it
    i hope you would like the translation

    it was supposed

    المفروض ان احنا الاتنين كان بينا امانى وكانت بينا وعود
    It was supposed that we had wishes and promises for both of us
    ان احنا الاتنين ياما قلنا لا يمكن هتفرقنا حدود
    That we both frequently said there is no limits can separate us
    ليه قلتلى عاشقك بجنون
    Why did you tell me that you love me
    ليه تخدعنى ليه بتخون
    Why do you deceive me why do you cheat
    ليه بتحب مادام هتبيع
    Why do you love as you will leave?
    ليه نحلم والحلم يضيع
    Why do we dream as we will lose this dream?
    ليه تحلفلى وبتوعدنى
    Why do you swear to me and promise me
    ليه تقربلى وتعودنى
    why do you get close to me and make me get used to you
    وبترغمنى وبتقيدنى بحب مالوهش اساس ووجود
    And force me and tie me to a love that has no base or existence
    ليه ليه ليه
    Why why why

    ليه تخدعنى وليه بتوهمنى وليه بتسبنى أعيش مخدوع
    Why do you deceive me and why you delude me and why do you let me be fooled
    أملا حياتك حب وفرحة وتملا حياتى جراح ودموع
    I filled your life with love and happiness and you filled my life with injuries and tears
    عيشتنى فى الوهم سنين
    You made me live in delusion for years
    رحلة حب وشوق وحنين
    In a journey of love, passion and desire
    كانو عيونك ليه خاينين
    Why were your eyes so faithless
    كان قلبك وضميرك فين
    Where have your heart and your awareness been
    ليه تحيينى وليه تموتنى
    Why do you give me life then why do you kill me
    ليه بتبنينى وليه هدتنى
    Why do you build me then why do you destroy me
    ليه شدتنى وليه خلتنى أمشى معاك فى طريق مسدود
    Why did you grip me and why did you make me walk with you in a blocked way
    ليه ليه ليه
    Why why why

    ليه القلب الطيب دايما يبقى جزاءه آلام وخداع
    Why is always the good heart rewarded with pains and deception
    ليه الحب الصادق لازم تبقى نهايته فراق ووداع
    Why must the true love be ended with separation and leaving
    قللى عملت لقلبك ايه
    Tell me what have I done for your heart
    انا ما ظلمتش تظلم ليه
    I didn't aggrieve so why do you
    ليه بتسبنى فى نار وعذاب
    Why do you leave me in fire and suffering?
    أرسم 1000 أمل كداب
    Drawing thousand of false hopes
    ليه تكسرنى وبتهزمنى
    Why do you break me and you conquer me
    وبتجرحنى وبتقسمنى
    And you hurt me and you divide me
    وبتجبرنى وبتلزمنى أعاهدك وما توفيش بوعود
    And you force me and oblige me to promise and you don't keep your promises
  3. inner|fantasy said:


    thank you sososososoososososososo muchh
    i love this song,
    it means alot to mee
  4. Dr_Maro said:


    u r welcome
  5. Jihan said:


    Can somebody help me to find out, who's the writer of these lyrics.

    Thanks in advance