Iraqi Song - Ta3al mn el safar [*]

Thread: Iraqi Song - Ta3al mn el safar [*]

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  1. Zahra91h's Avatar

    Zahra91h said:

    Lightbulb Iraqi Song - Ta3al mn el safar [*]

    hello everybody I didn't find the lyrics for this song so I put it in a youtube video and maybe someone can write them down(english font is enough) and also translate it to the beginning the man is speaking for a few minutes...I would like to have the translation of this part too...just if it's possible,coz I want to learn from it it's iraqi dialect I think..I would be very thankful for any help

    maybe someone also knows the singer name?
    Last edited by Zahra91h; 02-04-2009 at 02:28 PM.
  2. Zahra91h's Avatar

    Zahra91h said:
  3. Zahra91h's Avatar

    Zahra91h said:


    nobody can help?
  4. pazuzu said:


    El Mawal(the man is speaking for a few minutes);

    {ana adre el khalayg te6lob rthach
    Bs ane sha aswy et`aalkt beech
    w ana adre el liyaly etoo`y ymnach
    bs galby yehen w shjabny eleech
    tehet klma ghareeb brou7 ma ansach
    w aa`z glby bhroof esmech w anadeech
    anadelch ya tali shlon wiyach
    w ya thanb el ashayllch wenty shaa`lech}*2

    w ana wahed mn arab kl hal temannach
    w ma agdar awsallch hatta ahachiych
    w enny taymaha el shog b hwach
    woft jwa el gsseba 5af tathech
    Ma raed alloth b sheemat a`edach
    farak watheh ya helwa w bbesh adarech
    wel msafa teb3d w tgssar maa`ach
    w ahhs gwa el azzaym ma yejareech
    hiy liela w baa`deha lazim ansach *2
    w ana adre en nseet el rooh tebcheh
    hob mn taraf wahed ween wadach
    itha el moota hathiema shard awaseech
    wanna broohy el ghashema w shoog mattrach
    wel sabr el jzeetah w gabla ham beech

    ma raed alloth bshemat aa`dach
    farak watheh ya athbba w bbesh adarech
    wel msafa teb3d w tgssar maa`ach
    w ahhs gwa el azzaym ma yejareech
    hiy liela w baa`deha lazim ansach
    w ana adre en nseet el rooh tebcheh
    hob mn taraf wahed ween wadach
    itha el moota hathiema shard awaseech
    wanna broohy el ghashema w shoog mattrach
    wel sabr el jzeetah w gabla ham beech

    wooft mahnna w aleha yjoor mam shach
    w srrt ooof w aliya el ham yedaleech
    ma nadem le anni hwaya aghlach
    la bod yeji youm w alageech

    El oghniya (The Song)

    {ta`al mn el safar kkafy mn el fraag
    glt youmen lakn sarn sneen}*2

    {ma hazzak haneen w youm teshtag
    wala galbak yesa`lak sahebak ween}*2

    {(shkothor hozn b ghiyabak lesh el farag)*2
    w areed atbaha wiyak wiya el mohbeen}*2

    ana rohy maretha w been oshag
    bechat yammy w glt bachr tofr7een

    w asaborha w agol tjebah el ashwag *2
    w ashouf b eeiny jayat el moba`adeen (YA WEELY)

    ana el jaytak habiby hway mshtag ANAA EL JAYTAK
    {ana el jaytak habiby hway mshtag
    welak bel gallob shayl hob majaneen}*2

    areed ashobgak habibyy brouhak hway
    w areed angolob kolly l shofetak ein

    {thekartak wel sama mghayma
    w alliyk el rouh mehtara

    madre el daam`e mn ein
    madre el dniya mattara}*2

    {weenak ma elk enwan
    wesmak tha``at akhbara}*2

    {daleeny w ajeek el youm
    w dame` el ein yeljara}*2

    {(el bahar lo yebaadak a`any
    asawy el gallob aa`barah)*2

    fog el gheim...jwa el gheim
    atteer b gheir tayara}*2

    thekartak wel sama mghayima
    w aleek el rouh mehtara

    {madre el damee` mn el ein
    madre el dniya mattara}*2
  5. pazuzu said:


    Look i tried so hard to translate,,but it`s to difficult it`s a poem,if u want i can translate words and you join them to hae the meaning,,

    and i can find you easier more popular iraqi songs to start with

    Good luck
  6. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:


    i will translate it pazuzu .. .. just i need time
  7. Zahra91h's Avatar

    Zahra91h said:


    thank you sooooooooo much that u wrote everything down...i am sure it took a lot of time...i already know iraqi but not 100% and i just wanted to learn new expressions and words and i really love the song so,if u want to translate some words u can do it but if it's too difficult no problem and thank you soo much
  8. pazuzu said:


    thnx ams
  9. Zahra91h's Avatar

    Zahra91h said:


    haha and thank you ams too,ya mankosha
  10. pazuzu said:


    look Zahra if you want to learn some good things i can help,,guess u know the RADD7 genre ???it full of expressions and new words,REgads
  11. Zahra91h's Avatar

    Zahra91h said:


    hmm if u want to help me i would be very happy about it but just if i don't annoy you with it hmm and i didn't know what's the radd7 genre,ams told me it's iraqi dance but that's everything i know about it
  12. pazuzu said:


    yes it`l like that,

    try this one i`ll translate it if you like it
  13. Zahra91h's Avatar

    Zahra91h said:


    waw it's really nice ahebeeeeeeek wa ast7y ahlak if u want to translate it i would be very glad...but is it just 53 seconds long? i will open a new thread or u can do it,as u like o shokran ehwaya
  14. pazuzu said:


    u r welcome,,

    احبك واستحي من اهلك وارد حي
    --A7bak w ast7y mn ahlak w ard 7ay
    -Love you and feel shy of your family,( wants to say that he goes for them but he fells shy and come back from their (7ai) district)

    وعاجبني على خدودك ورد حي
    --W 3ajbny 3la 5doodak wrd 7ay
    -And i like on ur cheeks the pinky flowers

    سبع موتات اموتنلك وارد حي
    --sab3 mootat amotanlk w ard 7ay
    -i die for you seven times and will come back alive

    واشوفك يا حلو محزن عليه
    --W ashofak ya 7lw m7zzn 3liya
    -after all i do,,u r mad at me


    محد بضيمك احد دارة
    --M7d bthemak a7d dara
    -Nobody know what u r doin to me (

    وشلون دبجج يالبصرة

    وشلوون ركصج يعمارة

    --W shoon dabjej yal basra
    -Show me how u DABEJ (Dance type) yal Basra (southern state in iraq)

    Excuse my weak english,,this is what can i do in poem
  15. Zahra91h's Avatar

    Zahra91h said:


    thank you very much for your translation and ur english isn't weak shokran
  16. pazuzu said:


  17. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:


    here is the translation :

    اني ادري الخلايق تطلب رضاج
    I know that all the creatures asking your approval

    بس اني شسوي تعلقت بيج
    But what can I do , I linked with you

    واني ادري الليالي ضاع مناج
    And I know the nights had been lost from you

    بس قلبي يا حلوة جابني ليج
    But my heart brought me to you sweety

    تهد كل ما غربية بروحي ممساج
    Your place in my soul however you were stranger

    واعز قلبي بحروف اسمج واناديج
    And I like my heart with your name’s letter when its calling you

    اناديلج ياتالي شلون وياج
    I’m calling you ,what will happen next !!

    ويا ذنب الي اشيلج وانتي شعليج
    And what guilt I can burden it on you !!

    وانا واحد من عرب كلها تتمناج
    I’m one of the arabs , all of me hoping you

    وما اكدر اوصللج حتى احاجيج
    And I cannot reach you to speak with you

    وعيني تيماها الشوك بهواج
    And my eyes , had been hypnotized by longing of your love

    غفت جوة القصيبة اخاف تأذيج
    I slept inside the cane ,im afraid it will hurt you

    ما رايد اعلولج شي متعداج
    I don’t want to proud on you , theres nothing better than you

    فرق واضح يا حلوة وبيش اداريج
    The difference is obvious sweety ,and how can I take care of you!

    والمسافة تبعد وتقصر معاج
    And the distance is lengthening and shortening with you

    واحس قوة العزايم ما يجاريج
    And I feel that theres no benefit from the moral strength

    هي ليلة وبعدها لازم انساج
    Its just one night and then I should forget you

    وانا ادري ان نسيت الروح تبجيج حب من طرف واحد
    And I know if I forgot , my soul will cry for you , love from one side

    وين وداج اذا ال موتي هالضيمة شرد اوصيج
    What you will do if I died ,and whats my will to you

    وانا بروحي الغشيمة وشوق مطراج
    And I’m with my poor soul ,and longing for your rain

    والصبر وجزيته وكبله هم بيج
    And I took the punishment of the patience

    غفت محنة وعليها يجور ممشاج
    I slept on a problem that your steps on it

    وصرت اووف وعلية الهم يدليج
    And I became (offf ) and the pain is suspending from me

    ما نادم لاني هواية اغلاج
    Im not regretting ,because you are precious too much for me

    لابد مايجي يوم والاكيج
    And difinitely I should find you one day

    تعال من السفر كافي من الفراق
    Come back from the departing . enough for separation

    كلت يومين لكن صارن سنين
    You said 2 days ,but it became years

    ماهزك حنين ويوم تشتاق
    Never longing shaked you nor eagerness

    ولا قلبك يسألك صاحبك وين
    And never your heart asking you wheres your friend!

    كثر حزني بغيابك ليش الفراق
    My sadness widened ,why this separation!

    واريد اتباهى بيك ويا المحبين
    And I wanna be proud of you between the lovers

    انا روحي غريبة وبين عشاق
    My soul is stranger among the lovers

    بجت يمي وكلت باجر تفرحين
    It cried with me ,and I thought that maybe tomorrow you will be happy

    واصبرها واكول تجيبها الاشواق
    And im making my soul patient ,maybe you will come because of longing

    واشوف بعيني جيات المبعدين
    And maybe I will see the coming of far people

    انا ال جيتك حبيبي هواي مشتاق
    I came to you darling ,missing you so much

    والك بالقلب شايل حب مجانين
    And I’m holding in my heart mad love

    اريد اشبك حبيبي بروحك وابات
    I wanna hug your soul and sleep

    واريد انقلب كلي لشوفتك عين
    And I wanna turn to see you all

    ذكرتك والسما مغيمة
    I mentioned your name when the sky was cloudy

    وعليك الروح محتارة
    And the soul is confused

    مدري الدمع من العين
    I cannot recognize the tear from the eyes

    مدري الدنيا مطارة
    I donno that its raining

    وينك ما الك عنوان
    Where are you ! you don’t have address

    واسمك ضاعت اخباره
    And your name ! theres no news about it

    خليني واجيك اليوم
    Let me come to you today

    ودمع العين يالجارة
    With my tears ,oh neighbor

    البحر لو يبعدك عني
    If the sea will make you far from me

    اسوي القلب عبارة
    I will make my heart as a boat

    فوق الغيمة جوة الغيمة
    Above the cloud and below it

    اطير بغير طيارة
    I will fly with another airplane

    sorry for being late .. it was so hard ... i did my best
  18. Zahra91h's Avatar

    Zahra91h said:


    noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo u shouldn't say sorry hoby,...i am soooo thankful,to you and was very much work i am sorry for that but i am sooo thankful and it helps me a lot
  19. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:


    you are welcome ya mankosha .. im happy to help youuuuu ... mmmuah
  20. ahmedisman's Avatar

    ahmedisman said:


    AMS298, What song did u translate? can u put the link up?

    Its not the first song in this thread that was translated where it says, basra whats ur dabka?lol

    what song did u translate? is it the Ta3al mn el safar song (btw who is the artist for that)

