Tiziano Ferro - La Tua Vita Non Passerà

Thread: Tiziano Ferro - La Tua Vita Non Passerà

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  1. Kworb said:

    Default Tiziano Ferro - La Tua Vita Non Passerà

    Continuing my quest to translate this album... where did I go wrong with this one?

    La Tua Vita Non Passerà
    (Your Life Will Not Go By)

    Parlano... parlano... parlano
    They talk... they talk... they talk
    E dicono che sanno però mentono... mentono
    And they say that they know but they lie... they lie...
    Fu l'errore iniziale
    It was the initial mistake
    Quello di volere tutto... tutto
    The one to want everything... everything
    E somiglio al mondo in tanti aspetti
    And I am like the world in many aspects
    E nei difetti più evidenti
    and in the most obvious failures
    Ho sbogaliato troppe cose
    I have mistaken too many things,
    Strade, sono entrato in poche chiese
    paths, I have entered a few churches
    E domani partirò
    And tomorrow I will leave
    Anche se non vuoi
    Even if you don't want me to

    Ma la tua vita non passerà, non passerà
    But your life will not go by, not go by
    E la tua vita, io non la rasssegno ad ogni fallimento
    And your life, I don't resign it to each failure
    Ma la tua vita, la affido al vento
    But your life, I entrust it to the wind
    Che chambia i termini e li deraglia
    That changes the limits and derails them
    Prende la gente e l'abbaglia
    Takes the people and dazzles them
    Perché spesso il mondo sbaglia
    Because often the world is wrong

    Parlano... parlano... parlano
    They talk... they talk... they talk
    E dicono che sanno però mentono... mentono
    And they say that they know but they lie... they lie...
    Partirò... ritorno quando ho voglia
    I'll leave... I return when I want to
    Perché lo sai
    Because you know it
    Chi no ha una vita sogna
    Whoever does not have a life, he dreams
    E a forza di sognare ho confuso giorno e notte
    And from dreaming so much I have confused day and night
    E non riesco a dormire
    And I'm not able to sleep
    È fatta di divieti in ogni nostra cosa
    It's made out of prohibitions in everything we do
    La vita è sempre bella perché
    Life is always beautiful because
    La vita non riposa
    Life does not rest

    Ma la tua vita non passerà, non passerà
    But your life will not go by, not go by
    E la tua vita sarà più forte
    And your life will be stronger
    Di ciò che a volte ti hanno detto
    from what they've sometimes told you
    E pure quando ti dicono
    And even when they tell you
    "corri, bastardo corri, che non c'è tempo"
    "Run, bastard run, there's no time"
    La tua vita rimane qui dentro
    Your life remains here inside
    te la difendo
    I defend it for you
    io la difendo
    I defend it
    La tua vita non passerà
    Your life will not go by
    Ma la tua vita non passerà
    But your life will not go by
    Last edited by Kworb; 02-14-2009 at 06:35 PM.
  2. Lady_A said:


    Good work! Only two (little) things:

    E nei difetti più evidenti
    and in the most obvious failures

    È fatta di divieti ed ogni nostra cosa
    It's a kind of prohibition, and everything we do / no matter what we do (?)

    This line does not make sense, and it's totally out of the context. After listening to the song, I think I hear: "E fatta di divieti IN ogni nostra cosa"... like this makes more sense: "It's made out of prohibitions in everything we do".
  3. Kworb said:


    Thanks as usual Lady A. That was the most difficult line, and it does make more sense like this. Also, I wasn't sure whether "fatta" was a past participle or a noun. If it were the latter, I guess it would have an article (una fatta)?
  4. Lady_A said:


    You are welcome!

    I don't know about the existence of a noun "fatta". Here, it is certainly the past participle of the verb fare.
    Anyway, you are right, if it were a noun it would have the article in front. Do not confuse it with "fata" (with one t) that means fairy.
  5. Kitty said:


    "fatta" exists but it's slang..."fatto/a" is a person that usually is under drugs effect.

    there is a nice joke "un fatto straordinario?"..."Bob Marley"
  6. Kworb said:


    Hmm alright, I guess it's just an error in wiktionary: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fatta

    A very helpful dictionary when translating but just like wikipedia it's not always 100% reliable
  7. Lady_A said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Kitty View Post
    "fatta" exists but it's slang..."fatto/a" is a person that usually is under drugs effect.

    there is a nice joke "un fatto straordinario?"..."Bob Marley"

    Ok, but it's still the past participle of fare that became a noun in this case, isn't it?

    @Kworb - if you want, use www.wordreference.com - it's a very reliable and complete dictionary.
  8. Kworb said:


    Thanks for that link, it's great!
  9. Kitty said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Lady_A View Post
    Ok, but it's still the past participle of fare that became a noun in this case, isn't it?
    yes, fatta is the past participle of fare...fatta as noun was just a curiosity of the slang, but is very very rare :P