Sinan Sakic song lyrics and english translation please

Thread: Sinan Sakic song lyrics and english translation please

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  1. ajsa said:

    Default Sinan Sakic song lyrics and english translation please

    Could someone put lyrics and translate in english these songs for me i looked on the other thread but these songs arent there
    They are all Sinan's songs

    ♥ Sinan since i was a kid, my mum ♥ him aswel

    Thank you very much

    Cuvaj se, Cuvaj

    Izadji na pet minuta

    Ne budi me jutros majko

    Hajdmo dalje, moja tugo ** not sure if this is the exact song title
  2. Sasskia's Avatar

    Sasskia said:


    Quote Originally Posted by ajsa View Post
    Could someone put lyrics and translate in english these songs for me i looked on the other thread but these songs arent there
    They are all Sinan's songs

    ♥ Sinan since i was a kid, my mum ♥ him aswel

    Thank you very much

    Cuvaj se, Cuvaj

    Izadji na pet minuta

    Ne budi me jutros majko

    Hajdmo dalje, moja tugo ** not sure if this is the exact song title
    Hajdemo dalje moja tugo has been translated two months ago here :
  3. Sasskia's Avatar

    Sasskia said:


    I propose a translation... but I just begin with Serbian language , so you have to correct me.
    Thank you


    Sanjao sam crnu pticu
    I have dreamt to be a little bird
    kako leti iznad naseg krova
    who lies above our roof
    neko tvoju pjesmu peva
    Someone sing to you a song
    i u pjesmi neka ljubav nova
    and in this song someone loves again

    Cuvaj se cuvaj
    Keep it ; keep it
    jer je sreca kao san
    because fortune is like a dream
    nestaje blijedi
    disappear pale
    dok rukom dlan o dlan
    while with the hand is like a palm

    Prema tvojoj crnoj kosi
    According to your black hair
    svud padaju pahulje od svile
    everywhere fall flakes or silk
    ti istinu duso neznas
    you don’t know the truth of soul
    sve su one nekad suze bile
    all has once been a tear
  4. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    Good job Sasskia with your first translation!
    Here are the corrections:

    Sanjao sam crnu pticu
    I have dreamt about a black bird
    kako leti iznad naseg krova
    How it flies above our roof
    neko tvoju pjesmu peva
    Someone sings your song
    i u pjesmi neka ljubav nova
    And in this song is a new love (about a new love)

    Cuvaj se cuvaj

    Be aware, aware
    jer je sreca kao san
    because fortune is like a dream
    nestaje blijedi
    It disappears, fades
    dok rukom dlan o dlan
    while with the hand, palm to palm

    Prema tvojoj crnoj kosi
    Towards your black hair
    svud padaju pahulje od svile
    everywhere fall flakes or silk
    ti istinu duso neznas
    you don’t know the truth, my dear
    sve su one nekad suze bile
    They have all been tears once
  5. Sasskia's Avatar

    Sasskia said:


    Quote Originally Posted by MayGoLoco View Post
    Good job Sasskia with your first translation!

    "BOF BOF BOF" as we say in french language. Anyway, thank you for the corrections.
  6. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Sasskia View Post
    "BOF BOF BOF" as we say in french language. Anyway, thank you for the corrections.
    You're welcome!!!