Please identify this song

Thread: Please identify this song

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  1. falcios said:

    Question Please identify this song

    I only remember these few words:
    Don't stop zegga zegga or Don't stop zigga zigga.

    Any ideas?

  2. DJ Maxx's Avatar

    DJ Maxx said:


    Sounds like it might be..

    "I'm Serious" - T.I.
  3. shans said:


    Is it possible you misheard and it's - don't stop get it get it?
    If so then it could be Feel Good Inc. by Gorillaz
  4. BAGurl said:


    Were there any parts of the song in spanish???
    It sounds like a song I used to listen to when I was a kid by Proyecto Uno
  5. Chelsea_lee said:


    c i been keeping secrets i been going through theses changes now let me take you stage by stage through all the things thats on my mind while i anagorate