Booba - Game Over

Thread: Booba - Game Over

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  1. Loiseau said:

    Default Booba - Game Over

    can someone translate this song for me it has a nice beat and some of the lyrics are a little hard and i think im translating some words wrong any help?

    Le crime et la Z.I.K c'est ça qui me plait
    Chaque jour que Dieu fait
    Du cash c'est ça que je fais
    J'suis frais, j'suis refais
    T'es là, tu rappes en levrette
    Tu veux pas cher-la le steak
    Tu t'y crois pour de vrai
    J'ai du nouveau son prêt
    Je suis le grand sauveur
    J'ai mon ghetto blaster
    J'suis dans mon Range Rover
    Les demoiselles ont le feu au cul
    Car la planète se réchauffe
    9.2 si tu veux pécho, 0.9 sur lé réchaud
    Rendez vous sous le porche
    Moi et mes assoc' les cas soc'
    Tatoués jusqu'au torse
    4 années de loyer en poche
    Ta grand mere me reconnait
    Car elle m'a vu a la Star Ac'
    J'suis un tissmé comme Bop man
    J'suis en staras
    Nous, tout ce qu'on veut c'est faire des sous
    Demande a 92i bouh
    Reuf t'as la haine, j'sors de l'arene
    Au volant d'une Mac laren neuve
    Fais tourné la beu
    Le son de Chicken wings
    On debitte les diam's a haut debit
    Demande a Tony Blings

    T'es game over, game over...

    J'descend a Saint-Tropez, avec mes potes qui pesent
    Bikini obligatoire, pour monter dans la Lamborghini
    M.C, tend moi la main
    Pour que j'ecrase mon megot
    Putain de sono dans le coffre
    Plus de place pour y mettre un négro
    Les fans m'imitent, passent leur vie à m'épier
    Mes baskets sentent la schnek,
    Trop de putes a mes pieds
    M'en sortir sans aucun piston
    J'suis professionel
    J'redonne le sourire aux michtons
    Et aux concesionnaires
    Ouest side, Panthéon, Temps mort
    Si si tu connais
    Equipé double bonnet
    J'fais de la izi monnaie
    Tellement de diamants sur ma montre
    Je ne sais plus quelle heure il est
    9 millimetres a la baraque
    Posé sur le pare-balle gilet
    J'aretterais quand il le faut
    Je n'ferais pas l'album de trop
    Tout le monde peut s'en sortir
    Aucune cité n'a de barreaux
    Et quand la vie va m'écraser
    Comme son pire adversaire
    Passe me voir au Colisée
    Je n'serais pas au cimetière

    Je serais game over...

    30 millions d' M.C dans l'estomac
    Premier round, K.O
    Négro t'es dans le coma
    Disque d'or mais tu n'en as pas l'air
    Tu pues la défaite
    Moi j'ai un putain de salaire
    La putain de sa mère!!
    J'viens d'en bas, j'ai reussi comme toi
    J'me lève pour faire des love
    Donc j'ai des problemes de riche
    Et des problemes de pauvres
    On me dit B2O qu'est ce que tu nous raconte de beau???
    j'ai toujours envie de baisé comme un singe bonobo!
    Une fois qu'elles goutent a mon pénis
    J'ai du mal a m'en debarasser
    J'dois encore compter mon biff, biff
    ça veut dire que j'en ai pas assez
    Sors pas le meme jour que moi
    Tu vas te faire tabasser
    J'met le feu, n'appele pas les pompiers
    Ils vont se faire caillasser
    Me detroner qui pourrait?
    Tellement de numeros
    Je ne sais meme plus qui fourrer
    Torse nu je n'ai pas de col V
    Tenessee a grosse gorgée
    Mi-micro dans la paume
    J'ai de nombreux projets...

    Tu seras game over...
  2. Faayzaah' said:


    Goosh this guy is SO rude LOL !
    I already used to know it but I get it even more now that I translate his songs ! oO
    Some parts were really too hardcore , sorry it's not a pure translation ..
    All about ego-trip , it's not a composition text x)


    Game over

    Crime & music , that's what I like
    Everyday that God makes
    Cash , that's what I make
    I'm fresh , I'm pimped
    You're here , you rap while getting screwed
    You don't want to drop the steak
    You really think you are tough
    I've got some ready new sound
    I'm the great saviour
    I've got my ghetto blaster
    I'm in my Range Rover
    Young ladies are hot
    Because the planet's heating up
    92 if you want to get girls , 09 on the stoves
    See you under the porch
    Me & my partners , these wrankers
    Tatoos until our chests
    Four years of rent in our pockets
    Your grand-mother recognized me
    When she saw me at the Star Academy show
    I'm a half-blood like Bop Man
    I'm a star
    Us , all we want is to make money
    Ask 92i , boo
    Bro you're hating , I'm getting out of the arena
    Driving a new Mac Laren
    Pass the weed
    & Chicken Wings' sound
    We debit diamonds in broadband
    Ask Tony Blings

    Your game's over , game over ..

    I go down to Saint-Tropez , with my heavy mates
    Bikini's compulsory , to get in the Lamborghini
    MC , give me your hand
    So I can crush my joint butt
    Flipping sono in the trunk
    More place to put a bro in it
    Fans imitate me , spend their lives spying on me
    My sneakers smell biatches
    Too many chicks at my feet
    I've made it without any drag
    I'm a professional
    I make sluts smile
    As well as concessionaires
    West side , Pantheon , slack period
    Yeah yeah , you know that
    Equipped with a double cap
    I make easy money
    Many diamonds on my watch
    I no longer know what time it is
    My 9mm gun at home
    Put on the bulletproof vest
    I'll stop when I shoud do so
    I won't make one album over
    Everybody can make it
    No ghetto has no bars
    & When life will crush me
    Like its worst adversary
    Come & see me at the Colosseum
    Because I won't be at the cemetery

    My game will be over , game over ..

    30 millions of MCs in my stomach
    First round , KO
    Man you're brain dead
    Golden disc but you don't look like having one
    You stink like defeat
    I've got a flipping salary
    Frigging hell !
    I'm coming from down there , I've made it like you
    I stand up to show some love
    So I have the problems of rich people
    & Problems of poors
    I was said "B2O , what's up ?"
    I always want to screw like a bonobo monkey
    Once they've tasted my body
    It's hard to get rid of them
    I still have to count my money , money
    That means I didn't get enough
    Don't go out the same day as I do
    You're going to get beaten up
    I set fire , don't call the fire brigade
    They are going to get stoned
    Dethrone me ? Who could do it ?
    I've got so many phone numbers
    I don't even know who I should screw
    Topless , I have no high collar
    Long sips of Tenessee
    Mi , micro in my hand
    I have alot of plans ..

    Your game will be over ..
    Last edited by Faayzaah'; 02-28-2009 at 01:46 AM.
  3. Loiseau said:


    hey thanks i tried to figure out some of the words he used that you changed and i think i got t hem but not too sure but he does say some crazy stuff but his beats are good and its a good way for me to learn some new words even though i might never use the bad ones lol if i sent you some phrases could you help me with the french translation?
  4. Faayzaah' said:


    You're welcome !

    Of course I could help you ,
    Translating makes me learn . =]

    Just tell me what you wanna know ..
  5. Loiseau said:


    ok i sent you a private message with some things i would like to know... thanks