oy asiye

Thread: oy asiye

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  1. aman2008's Avatar

    aman2008 said:

    Default oy asiye

    plz i wanna the translation of this song
    Ağasarın balını gel salını salını
    Adam cebinde taşır senin gibi gelini oy Asiye oy

    Oy Asiye Asiye tütün koydum kesiye
    Baban seni veriyi da bir bağa pırasiye oy Asiye oy

    Sis dağının başında yel püfür püfür esiyor
    Baban bu yıl kurbanı çifter çifter kesiyor oy Asiye oy
  2. aman2008's Avatar

    aman2008 said:


    someone help me plz
  3. Berquay said:


    The song you asked for just including too much cultural changed words but i will give it a try...
  4. Berquay said:


    Wrap her honey to net, Come with a swing
    Man will carry in pocket, bride like you, oy Asiye

    Oy Asiye Asiye, placed pigtail(tobacco) to pouch
    Your father will give you to me, for one knot leek oy Asiye...
  5. arslan's Avatar

    arslan said:


    "Ağasar" is a place name currently known as "Şalpazarı" near Trabzon.
    "Kesiye" is actually "kesiğe" which is on the cut. putting tobacco on the wound used to be a way of stopping the blood. In some place it still is.

    You have chosen a marvellous folk song and it is really hard to translate.
    Arslan Türegün
  6. muzzy145 said:


    Damn! This is difficult. I will try my best
    Agasarin balini
    Honey of Agarsar
    gel salini salini
    Come salini salini (its a way of walking)
    Adam cebinde tasir senin gibi gelini oy Asiye oy
    Person would carry a bride like you around in their pocket Asiye (I think it means she is like a all purpose swiss army knife I think he means she is a skillful and would make a great wife)

    Oy Asiye Asiye tütün koydum kesige
    Asiye. I put tobacco on to my wound.( i believe he trys to say he has a wounded heart that he patched up with tobacco leaf)
    Baban seni veriyi da bir baga pirasiye oy Asiye oy
    Your dad will let you marry this other person for one crop of leek Oy Asiye ( back in time you would have to pay to the girls father to marry his daughter to cover the expenses that he made while she was growing up. This could be money, live stock or goods)

    Sis dağının başında yel püfür püfür esiyor.
    The wind is howling on top of the Sis mountain.
    Baban bu yıl kurbanı çifter çifter kesiyor oy Asiye oy
    This year, your father is sacrificing the animals for god two by two. ( Muslims sacrifice animals for god to remember prophet Ishmael every year. I think when he says two animals to sacrifice he means he is one of those being sacrificed too.

    I hope its helpfull. Sometimes its difficult for native Turkish speakers to understand these songs because of the hidden meanings in the lyrics.

    here is a couple nice versions of this awesome folk song

    Last edited by muzzy145; 09-28-2010 at 10:08 AM.