Amr Diab - Lama Kan

Thread: Amr Diab - Lama Kan

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  1. Diabian's Avatar

    Diabian said:

    Default Amr Diab - Lama Kan

    فاكر لما كان وكان وكان
    لينا في كل مكان مكان
    فكرتني عينيك بزمان
    وليالي زمان

    اول لقا بينا, اول ما تقابلنا
    كان السلام بأيديك, ولا الكلام بعينيك
    يتحس بقلوبنا فاكر

    فاكر لما كان وكان وكان
    لينا في كل مكان مكان
    فكرتني عينيك بزمان
    وليالي زمان

    كان اللقا صدفة, وقلوبنا مش عارفة
    ان اللقا مكتوب, وان الفراق مكتوب
    والوعد مكتوبنا فاكر

    فاكر لما كان وكان وكان
    لينا في كل مكان مكان
    فكرتني عينيك بزمان
    وليالي زمان
  2. Diabian's Avatar

    Diabian said:


    Faker lama kan w kan w kan
    (Do you remember When we were and were and were)
    Lena fe kol makan makan
    (Having a place in every place)
    Fakaretny 3enek be zaman
    (Your eyes remembered me with the past)
    W laiyaly zaman
    (And the nights of the past)

    Awel lo2a bena, Awel mat2abelna
    (The first meet between us, The first time we meet eachother)
    Kan el-salam be 2edek, Wala el-kalam be 3enek
    (The salutation was with your hands, Or the talking was with your eyes)
    Yet7as be 2olobna, Faker
    (Felt with our hearts, Do you remember)

    Faker lama kan w kan w kan
    (Do you remember When we were and were and were)
    Lena fe kol makan makan
    (Having a place in every place)
    Fakaretny 3enek be zaman
    (Your eyes remembered me with the past)
    W laiyaly zaman
    (And the nights of the past)

    Kan el-lo2a sodfa, W 2olobna mesh 3arfa
    (The meeting was a coincidence, And our hearts didn't know)
    En el-lo2a maktoob, W en el-fora2 maktoob
    (That the meeting is a fate, And being apart is a fate)
    W el-wa3d maktobna, Faker
    (And the promise is written for us, Do you remember)

    Faker lama kan w kan w kan
    (Do you remember When we were and were and were)
    Lena fe kol makan makan
    (Having a place in every place)
    Fakaretny 3enek be zaman
    (Your eyes remembered me with the past)
    W laiyaly zaman
    (And the nights of the past)
  3. Diabian's Avatar

    Diabian said:


    Well that is my second song to translate so forgive me about the mistakes,
    Special thanks to Jamgirl for her amazing help with that
  4. Jamgirl's Avatar

    Jamgirl said:


    @ Diabian, I love that so much, and it fits. Be7ebak awy awy , your so very sweet.

    You are truly wonderful! Forever and Always
  5. Jamgirl's Avatar

    Jamgirl said:


    Ba7ebak Awy Awy My Diabian!!
    Last edited by Jamgirl; 03-09-2009 at 06:19 AM. Reason: spelling
  6. Diabian's Avatar

    Diabian said:


    If there was a word more than ba7ebek i would have said it, But my bad luck there is no, But you know how i feel, And you know how you feel
  7. Jamgirl's Avatar

    Jamgirl said:


    so right! even if there were a million other words that meant more, the one that means the most is the one you choose to share. And if ever there was a loss for words just the look in your eyes says it all.....Ba7ebak.
    Last edited by Jamgirl; 03-09-2009 at 12:01 PM. Reason: oops
    Ba7ebak awy awy awy
    w mesh adaar ayesh men 3'erak
    enshalla ana w enta 7ankoon m3a ba3d dayman
  8. Diabian's Avatar

    Diabian said:


    So do you still remember ??
    Ba7ebek awy awy awy awy Jamgirl
  9. Jamgirl's Avatar

    Jamgirl said:


    I remember, and I always will.
    Ba7ebak awy awy awy
    w mesh adaar ayesh men 3'erak
    enshalla ana w enta 7ankoon m3a ba3d dayman
  10. Zahra91h's Avatar

    Zahra91h said:


    lol when will you get married ? am i invited ?
  11. Diabian's Avatar

    Diabian said:


    It would be my greatest honor you are invited without us telling you so you know
    Ba7ebek awy awy awy awy Jamgirl