It's somewhat old

Thread: It's somewhat old

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  1. daymon said:

    Default It's somewhat old

    this song haunts me till this day, i heard it around 7 years ago. It's a dance music or some sort, almost trance, no lyrics, tempo is a bit soft and and the piano repeats itself quite often. this is driving me nuts, can ANY1 help me? the song popped up everywhere back then, every club played it at LEAST once. If any1 can enlighten me on this, i would be eternally grateful.
  2. elusivesky said:


    Maybe "Sandstorm" by Darude.
  3. daymon said:

    Default nope

    i have that mp3 , sandstorm is way more recent than the one i had in mind
  4. plt46 said:

    Default Could it be 'children'

    by Robert Miles?
  5. lubriderm said:


    yoooo, i think i am looking for the same song...i have no idea what it is though