Solved: Music are the future / past ; high voice ; male

Thread: Solved: Music are the future / past ; high voice ; male

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  1. uzasf said:

    Question Solved: Music are the future / past ; high voice ; male


    yesterday I heard a song in the radio, but I can't fully remember it.
    It was something about
    "Music are the future, music are the world"
    What puzzled me was the usage of "are".
    There was also a relatively long passage of an instrumental solo. I think the song is not that new and shouldn't be that unpopular.

    I already googled half an hour but I couldn't find anything!
    I hope someone can help me.

    Thanks a lot for reading (and hopefully answering ;-) ),
    uzas f.
  2. pavonis said:


    Sounds like this might be John Miles' "Music".

    Might you be hearing "music of the future" as "music are the future"?

    Also, that song had long instrumental passages.
  3. uzasf said:


    Exactly! Thank you!
    See here: