Nicolae & Nicoleta Guta-Mama

Thread: Nicolae & Nicoleta Guta-Mama

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  1. lexa2 said:

    Default Nicolae & Nicoleta Guta-Mama

    I searched all over the internet but I was not able to find the text in romanian. I really need this song to be transleted in english. I will appreciate it..thx
  2. Zahra91h's Avatar

    Zahra91h said:


    Nicolae si Nicoleta Guta - Mama(Mother)

    Mereu mama īmi spunea
    Always my mother was telling me
    cānd īmi e greu să mă gāndesc la ea
    that if something seems difficult for me I shall think of her
    că dacă pățesc ceva
    because if I get into trouble
    nu doare pe nimeni decāt pe ea.
    it does not hurt anybody, just her.

    Singur pe lume eu mă lupt cu toate
    All-alone in the world I am fighting against everything
    n-am lāngă mine nici soră nici frate
    I have neither a sister nor a brother next to me
    singur pe lume eu mă lupt cu toate
    All-alone in the world I am fighting against everything
    mă ar ajuta mama dar nu poate.
    my mother would help me but she cannot.

    Dacă ar ști mama mea
    If my mother would know
    cātă nevoie am (acum) de ea
    how much I lack her (now)
    mi-ar spune: de te ajută cu ceva
    she would say: if it helps you in some way
    viața mea ți-o dau ție fata mea.
    I'll give you my life,my daughter.

    Singur pe lume eu mă lupt cu toate
    All-alone in the world I am fighting against everything
    n-am lāngă mine nici soră nici frate
    I have neither a sister nor a brother next to me
    singur pe lume eu mă lupt cu toate
    All-alone in the world I am fighting against everything
    mă ar ajuta mama dar nu poate.
    my mother would help me but she cannot.

    Enjoy it
  3. lexa2 said:


  4. Zahra91h's Avatar

    Zahra91h said:


    no problem