Habeeb Aldwela - Grw7 klby

Thread: Habeeb Aldwela - Grw7 klby

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  1. craigaio said:

    Default Habeeb Aldwela - Grw7 klby


    Please please can you listen to this song and write the words that they are singing....and if possible translate (But I would be happy just with the words if anyone can do that)


    What does the boy sing? Is this Saudi Arabic?

    thank you so much!
  2. craigaio said:


    Anyone....please? Even if you just tell me what the boy says in Arabic at the beginning? It will take just 1 minute to listen to that? please please please?

    What does he say in arabic there? and what does it mean?

    Someone answer pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaase!
  3. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    it sounds khaliji.. I'm sorry the accent was too difficult for me to understand

    Khaliji is probably the most difficult dialect
    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥
  4. craigaio said:


    Thank you for trying :-)

    Are there any khaliji speakers out there who can help?
  5. LOUIE's Avatar

    LOUIE said:


    well, he's talking about how people are telling him that he has no chance with the girl that he wants to marry and he's telling them don't be harsh on us and give a chance and good luck to U trying find the exact lyrics to this song
    ?? ???? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ? ??? ??????? ???? ?????
  6. craigaio said:


    Thanks for your help guys!

    Can anyone just write in Arabic what the boys says at the beginning? I will be very happy if anyone can do that! Shukran jiddan!