Ridna Maty Moya - lyrics and translation

Thread: Ridna Maty Moya - lyrics and translation

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  1. RicanZouki76's Avatar

    RicanZouki76 said:

    Talking Ridna Maty Moya - lyrics and translation

    I heard this beautiful ukrainian song and was wondering if anyone can provide the ukrainian and english lyrics. Dont worry, I can read cyrillic letters... I want to learn to sing this song!

    I love singing in different languages, Check out my youtube site.



    Joey Meltos
    Music is Universal! Live it and love it!
  2. kolbaskina's Avatar

    kolbaskina said:


    With a great pleasure

    Рідна мати моя, ти ночей не доспала, - My dear mother, you didn’t sleep enough at nights
    Ти водила мене у поля край села, - You were lead me to the fields on the village suburbs
    І в дорогу далеку ти мене на зорі проводжала, - And you saw me off to the long way out on the dawn
    І рушник вишиваний на щастя дала. - And you gave me the embroidered towel for luck

    І в дорогу далеку ти мене на зорі проводжала, - And you saw me off to the long way out on the awn
    І рушник вишиваний на щастя, на долю дала. - And you gave me the embroidered towel for luck, for chance

    Хай на ньому цвіте росяниста доріжка, - Let the dewy path flowers on it
    І зелені луги, й солов'їні гаї, - And the green meadows, and coppices with nightingales
    І твоя незрадлива материнська ласкава усмішка, - And your tender faithful mother’s smile
    І засмучені очі хороші твої. - And you sad nice eyes

    І твоя незрадлива материнська ласкава усмішка, - And your tender faithful mother’s smile
    І засмучені очі хороші, блакитні твої. - And you blue sad nice eyes

    Я візьму той рушник, простелю, наче долю, - I’ll take your towel and spread it like the destiny
    В тихім шелесті трав, в щебетанні дібров. - In the quiet rustle of grass, in the twitter of coppices
    І на тім рушничкові оживе все знайоме до болю: - And on that little towel will become alive everything so painfully known
    І дитинство, й розлука, і вірна любов. - And childhood, and parting, and faithful love

    І на тім рушничкові оживе все знайоме до болю: - And on that little towel will become alive everything so painfully known
    І дитинство, й розлука, й твоя материнська любов. - And childhood, and parting, and you faithful mother’s love

    This is really a fabulous song
    At first it was a poem and then became a song
    Last edited by kolbaskina; 03-31-2009 at 01:04 PM.
    нам ніколи, мабуть, не дійти до межі,
    за якою немає ні смутку, ні страху...

    Bizim gibi delilere her gün bayram
  3. RicanZouki76's Avatar

    RicanZouki76 said:


    Thank you so much for that... Its such a beautiful song and I would very much love to sing it! Peace! Joey.

    www.youtube.com/RicanZouki76 if you are interested in hearing me sing in 10+ foreign languages...
    Joey Meltos
    Music is Universal! Live it and love it!
  4. Louis Argote said:


    I find Ukranian, along with Finnish & Italian to be the most musical languages that i'm aware of. I find your music a hidden gem, and I've been a long standing fan of Mr Hnyatuk.
    I certainly hope that his health holds out for many years to come. In my book, he's one of the best base/baritones that i've had the pleasure to listen to, equal to or surpassing Cesare Siepi & Fernando Corena.
  5. feuersteve's Avatar

    feuersteve said:


    I don't know if this version is the one you like, RicanZouki. But here it is for everyone to enjoy.

    Дай Бог миру в Україні і весь світ
    Gott zur Ehr, dem nächsten zur Wehr

    What if they gave a fire and nobody came.