Spanish Lyrics for "In Return" by Bebe & Cece Winans (?)

Thread: Spanish Lyrics for "In Return" by Bebe & Cece Winans (?)

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  1. blackhawkr said:

    Default Spanish Lyrics for "In Return" by Bebe & Cece Winans (?)

    I have the Spanish version of this song; I'm not positive it is sung by the same artist. But I can't find the Spanish lyrics anywhere.
  2. Rcfatal said:


    why don't you upload mp3 file or share a link to it? maybe someone can write down lyrics for you...


    Wink In Return-EN RETORNO

    Quote Originally Posted by blackhawkr View Post
    I have the Spanish version of this song; I'm not positive it is sung by the same artist. But I can't find the Spanish lyrics anywhere.
    In Return-EN RETORNO

    All I had to give-Todo lo que tenía que dar
    was a broken heart, torn apart.-era un corazón roto, desgarrado .

    But in return You gave me joy that could never be told.-Pero a cambio usted me dio la alegría que nunca podrían ser contada.
    And in return You gave me love that was more precious than gold.-Y a cambio Usted me dio el amor que es más precioso que el oro.

    So whatever you have to give,you don't have to be ashamed,just come as you are and present it in Jesus' name.-Así que lo que tiene que dar, no tiene de qué avergonzarse, simplemente ven como eres y lo presentará en nombre de Jesús.

    For in return of a torn life,-En el retorno de una vida desgarrada,
    He'll give you life abundantly.-Que le darán vida en abundancia.
    And in return of a raging storm,the Lord will calm the sea;-Y a cambio de una tormenta que asola, el Señor se calma el mar;
    so whatever you have, the Lord has so much more,so what do you have to give?-a fin de lo que tengas, el Señor tiene mucho más, así que ¿qué tiene que dar?

    Oh if you were like me, you didn't have a lot of gold,possessions, or money, you didn't own wealth untold.-Oh si como yo se, usted no tiene un montón de oro, bienes o dinero, que no era propietario de la riqueza incalculable.
    But I'm glad You didn't look on the things that I had,but You looked on the things You were able to give me.-Pero estoy contento de no mirar las cosas que he tenido, pero le aguarda en las cosas que le pudieron dar a mí.

    Oh, for in return He'll give you joy that could never be told.-Oh, a cambio de que le darán alegría que nunca podría ser contada.
    And in return He'll give you love that was more precious than gold.-Y Él a cambio le daremos amor que es más precioso que el oro.

    In return of a torn life,he'll give you life abundantly.-A cambio de una vida desgarrada, que le darán vida en abundancia.
    And in return of a raging storm,the Lord will calm the sea;so what do you have to give?-Y a cambio de una tormenta que asola, el Señor se calma el mar, así que ¿qué tiene que dar?

    Here is.enjoy.