Need Help Bad!!!

Thread: Need Help Bad!!!

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  1. Natedoggof04 said:

    Cool Need Help Bad!!!

    There is a song that they play in the movie High School High where when there dancing there is this song that comes on and it kinda goes like this "Feelin kinda freaky" and then I don't remember the rest but then the chorus goes "I wanna ride you all night long" So if anyone can help me out I would really be happy Plus I also think it might be by TLC not sure though
  2. Sticky said:


    I would go to

    search high school high and the soundtrack pops up. From there just preview whatever song is on the soundtrack and find it.

  3. Natedoggof04 said:

    Default Not on the Soundtrack

    It's not on the High School High Soundtrack!!!! But I think it's by TLC