Jaar Project - "In bratele tale"

Thread: Jaar Project - "In bratele tale"

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  1. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:

    Default Jaar Project - "In bratele tale"

    Corectari va rog! Mersi mult!

    "In bratele tale"
    In Your Arms

    Tresar din vis, privesc la stele
    I jump in my sleep, I look at the stars
    Si ma imaginez in bratele tale
    & I picture myself in your arms

    Cand sunt pierdut, privesc la stele
    When I'm lost, I look at the stars
    Si ma imaginez in bratele tale
    & I picture in your arms

    Cand sunt pierdut, mana ta ma tine
    When I'm lost, your hand holds me
    Cand sunt trist, tu esti acolo pentru mine, pentru mine
    When I'm sad, you're there for me, for me
    Ne spuneam secrete, care nu le spuneam nimanui
    We used to tell each other secrets, which we didn't tell anyone else(?)
    In gandul meu esti numai tu, numai tu
    In my head there's only you, only you

    In intuneric tu esti lumina mea
    In the darkness you're my light
    Un rasarit de soare in viata mea, in viata mea
    A ray of sun in my life, in my life
    Nu te ascunde, lasa-ma sa te privesc
    Don't hide, let me look at you
    Deschide-ti sufletul sa ma ocrotestï
    Open your soul to protect me
    Nu ştiu de ce lupt aşa pentru tine.
    Ti it l'avìe tut ma adess 't as nen gnente.
    Exchange the sunshine for brown eyes & dark skies, replace this dull life with you.
  2. countingstars's Avatar

    countingstars said:


    Tresar din vis, privesc la stele
    I jump from my sleep, I look at the stars
    Si ma imaginez in bratele tale
    & I picture myself in your arms

    Cand sunt pierdut, privesc la stele
    When I'm lost, I look at the stars
    Si ma imaginez in bratele tale
    & I picture myself in your arms

    Cand sunt pierdut, mana ta ma tine
    When I'm lost, your hand holds me
    Cand sunt trist, tu esti acolo pentru mine, pentru mine
    When I'm sad, you're there for me, for me
    Ne spuneam secrete, care nu le spuneam nimanui
    We used to tell each other secrets, which we didn't tell anyone else
    In gandul meu esti numai tu, numai tu
    In my thoughts there's only you, only you

    In intuneric tu esti lumina mea
    In the darkness you're my light
    Un rasarit de soare in viata mea, in viata mea
    A sunrise in my life, in my life
    Nu te ascunde, lasa-ma sa te privesc
    Don't hide, let me look at you
    Deschide-ti sufletul sa ma ocrotestï
    Open up your soul to protect me

    nu era prea mult de corectat
    Last edited by countingstars; 04-30-2009 at 01:24 AM.
  3. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:


    Nu ştiu de ce lupt aşa pentru tine.
    Ti it l'avìe tut ma adess 't as nen gnente.
    Exchange the sunshine for brown eyes & dark skies, replace this dull life with you.
  4. countingstars's Avatar

    countingstars said:


    nu ai pt ce