Voltaj - Alta

Thread: Voltaj - Alta

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  1. JunjouLover's Avatar

    JunjouLover said:

    Default Voltaj - Alta

    This song is so confusing!
    I got some parts, but there's alot I don't understand.
    Any help would be a big one!

    Cerul senin e acum plin de nori
    The clear sky is now filled with clouds
    Iti ploua in suflet pana in zori,
    It rains in your soul until dawn
    Singur te scoli,singuri te culci
    Alone you get up, alone you go to sleep [?] (What’s “singuri”)
    Singur ajungi oriunde te duci.
    Alone you reach where ever you’re headed

    Iti spui mereu ca n-ai nevoie de ea,
    You always tell yourself that you don’t need her
    Ii doar inca o zi proasta din viata at
    ….still just a foolish day of your life [?]
    Cauti pierdut in camp plin de flori
    Lost, you search in a field filled with flowers
    Si nu o gasesti printre atatea culori
    And you can’t find her among the many colors [?]
    Unde-i jumatatea ta?
    Where’s your other half?

    Cand lumea ii intoarsa cu susul in jos
    (What does this mean? Is intoarsa from intoarce? Confusing…)
    Cand toate par sa-ti mearga pe dos
    When everything evades (something something) [?]
    Canta cu mine si spune asa
    Sing with me and say it like this

    Odata credeai ca-i soare
    Once, you had thought that it was sunny
    Si ca primavara nu va mai pleca,
    And that spring would never leave
    Frunzele au cazut si langa tine
    The leaves searched by your side, too [?]
    Te-ai trezit doar cu umbra ta.
    You woke up with just your shadow
    Nu-i asa?
    Am I right?

    Picteaza-ti un zambet si uita de ea,
    Paint yourself a smile and forget about her
    In zori vei ajunge din noaptea grea
    When dawn comes, you will leave the rough night
    Si daca incerci sa-ti asculti inima
    And if you try to listen to your heart
    Ea te va duce intr-o zi undeva....
    She’ll meet up with you, some day, somewhere…
    Unde-i jumatatea ta?
    Where’s your other half

    Ploaia inca mai cade
    The rain still falls
    Peste inima ta, dar va sta....
    Over your heart, but it will stay
  2. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:


    No promises, my corrections may be wrong!

    Quote Originally Posted by JunjouLover View Post
    This song is so confusing!
    I got some parts, but there's alot I don't understand.
    Any help would be a big one!

    Cerul senin e acum plin de nori
    The clear sky is now filled with clouds
    Iti ploua in suflet pana in zori,
    It rains in your soul until dawn
    Singur te scoli,singuri te culci
    Alone you get up, alone you go to sleep [?] (What’s “singuri”)*
    Singur ajungi oriunde te duci.
    Alone you reach where ever you’re headed

    Iti spui mereu ca n-ai nevoie de ea,
    You always tell yourself that you don’t need her
    Ii doar inca o zi proasta din viata ta (typo)
    She'sstill just a foolish day of your life [?]
    Cauti pierdut in camp plin de flori
    Lost, you search in a field filled with flowers
    Si nu o gasesti printre atatea culori
    And you can’t find her among the many colors
    Unde-i jumatatea ta?
    Where’s your other half?

    Cand lumea ii intoarsa cu susul in jos
    When the world gets turned upside down
    Cand toate par sa-ti mearga pe dos
    When everything goes upside down for you
    Canta cu mine si spune asa
    Sing with me and say it like this

    Odata credeai ca-i soare
    Once, you had thought that it was sunny
    Si ca primavara nu va mai pleca,
    And that spring would never leave
    Frunzele au cazut si langa tine
    The leaves fell even by your side
    Te-ai trezit doar cu umbra ta.
    You woke up with just your shadow
    Nu-i asa?
    Am I right?

    Picteaza-ti un zambet si uita de ea,
    Paint yourself a smile and forget about her
    In zori vei ajunge din noaptea grea
    When dawn comes, you will leave the rough night
    Si daca incerci sa-ti asculti inima
    And if you try to listen to your heart
    Ea te va duce intr-o zi undeva....
    She’ll meet up with you, some day, somewhere…
    Unde-i jumatatea ta?
    Where’s your other half

    Ploaia inca mai cade
    The rain still falls
    Peste inima ta, dar va sta....
    Over your heart, but it will stay

    *Well, "singuri" is the plural of "singur" but I don't think it makes sense here, maybe it's just a typo.
    Nu ştiu de ce lupt aşa pentru tine.
    Ti it l'avìe tut ma adess 't as nen gnente.
    Exchange the sunshine for brown eyes & dark skies, replace this dull life with you.
  3. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    both of u have done a great job

    the problem is that the lyrics in romanian have some mistakes

    Cerul senin e acum plin de nori
    The clear sky is now filled with clouds
    Iti ploua in suflet pana in zori,
    It rains in your soul until dawn
    Singur te scoli,singur te culci *
    Alone you get up, alone you go to sleep
    Singur ajungi oriunde te duci.
    Alone you arrive wherever you go
    unde-i jumatatea ta

    Iti spui mereu ca n-ai nevoie de ea,
    You always tell yourself that you don’t need her
    Ca-i doar inca o zi proasta din viata ta
    cause (this) is another bad day from your life
    Cauti pierdut in camp plin de flori
    Lost, you search in a field filled with flowers
    Si nu o gasesti printre atatea culori
    And you can’t find her among the many colors
    Unde-i jumatatea ta?
    Where’s your other half?

    Cand lumea-i intoarsa cu susul in jos**
    When the world is turned upside down
    Cand toate par sa-ti mearga pe dos
    When everything seems to go wrong
    Canta cu mine si spune asa
    Sing with me and say it like this
    Va mai fi alta in viata mea
    another one will be in my life

    Odata credeai ca-i soare
    Once, you had thought that it was sunny
    Si ca primavara nu va mai pleca,
    And that spring would never leave
    Frunzele au cazut si langa tine
    The leaves fell even by your side
    Te-ai trezit doar cu umbra ta.
    You woke up just with your shadow
    Nu-i asa?
    Am I right?

    Picteaza-ti un zambet si uita de ea,
    Paint yourself a smile and forget about her
    In zori vei ajunge din noaptea grea
    When dawn comes, you will leave the rough night
    Si daca incerci sa-ti asculti inima
    And if you try to listen to your heart
    Ea te va duce intr-o zi undeva....
    it ( the heart) will take you, some day, somewhere…
    Unde-i jumatatea ta?
    Where’s your other half

    Ploaia inca mai cade
    The rain still falls
    Peste inima ta, dar va sta....
    Over your heart, but it will stay

    *DeBaires was right: "singuri" is the plural of "singur" but here it's just a typo.
    ** yes, intoarsa is an adjective (feminine form cause refers at "lumea") and comes from the verb "a intoarce". the masculine form is intors
  4. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:


    Mersi Cami!
    Nu ştiu de ce lupt aşa pentru tine.
    Ti it l'avìe tut ma adess 't as nen gnente.
    Exchange the sunshine for brown eyes & dark skies, replace this dull life with you.
  5. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    cu placere diego
  6. JunjouLover's Avatar

    JunjouLover said:


    Thanks for that guys.
    I just have one more question.

    In that "Cand toate par sa-ti mearga pe dos," could you maybe break it up a bit more? Because I thought that "seems" is "apar?" And what does "pe dos?" Is that an idiomatic expression? Thanks, again.
  7. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:


    Quote Originally Posted by JunjouLover View Post
    Thanks for that guys.
    I just have one more question.

    In that "Cand toate par sa-ti mearga pe dos," could you maybe break it up a bit more? Because I thought that "seems" is "apar?" And what does "pe dos?" Is that an idiomatic expression? Thanks, again.
    Well, both aparea & parea can mean "to appear." But parea is always "to seem."

    & yes, "pe dos" is an idiomatic expression & more literally means "upside down."


    sa-ti mearga pe dos/to go wrong (for you)

    The "iti" in "sa-ti" is where the "for you" would come into play. Hope that clears things up for you.
    Nu ştiu de ce lupt aşa pentru tine.
    Ti it l'avìe tut ma adess 't as nen gnente.
    Exchange the sunshine for brown eyes & dark skies, replace this dull life with you.
  8. JunjouLover's Avatar

    JunjouLover said:


    Yeah, thanks alot!