Someone wanna help me?? :)

Thread: Someone wanna help me?? :)

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  1. Mizz_B said:

    Default Someone wanna help me?? :)

    well,thiis not a song,but maybe someone wanna help me

    "XXX gdje si sta radis??????" XXX is a name

    "mackica bude ti dosel taj pravi bus vidla i nebus znala kam bi! Tako se bus zaljubila i to bu to.......sada nije vrijeme za o ali kada bude onda bus znala da je to vrijeme doslo"
  2. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Mizz_B View Post
    "XXX gdje si sta radis??????" XXX is a name

    "mackica bude ti dosel taj pravi bus vidla i nebus znala kam bi! Tako se bus zaljubila i to bu to.......sada nije vrijeme za To ali kada bude onda bus znala da je to vrijeme doslo"
    XXX where are you, what are you doing???

    Sweetie (lit=kitten) when mr. right comes, you'll see and you won't know where to go to. You'll fall madly in love and that will be it's not the time for that, but when it comes you'll know that the time has come.
  3. Mizz_B said:


    Thank you very much :-D