Kazem Al-Saher - Ana w Layla [*]

Thread: Kazem Al-Saher - Ana w Layla [*]

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  1. Don-juan's Avatar

    Don-juan said:

    Default Kazem Al-Saher - Ana w Layla [*]

    ماتت بمحراب عينيك ابتهالاتي
    My entreaties died in the caverns of your eyes.
    واستسلمت لرياح اليأس راياتي
    And my flags surrendered to the winds of despair.
    جفلت على بابك الموصد أزمنتي
    My days escaped to find your door closed.
    وما أثمرت شيئا نداءاتي..
    And what transpired with the object of my cries?

    عامان ما رف لي لحن على وتر..
    Two years and she didn't hear the melody of my strings...
    ولا استفاقت على نور سماواتي
    And she didn't the see light of my sky.
    أعتق الحب في قلبي وأعصره..فارشف الهم
    I freed the love in my heart and squeezed it...Then I drank grief
    في مغبر كاساتي
    From a dirty chalice.

    ممزق أنا..لا جاه ولا ترف يغريك في
    And I became torn. I had no prestige or luxury to tempt you with.
    فخليني لآهاتي..
    So then leave me with my grief ..
    لو تعصرين سنين العمر أكملها ..
    If you squeeze the years of my life completely,
    لسال منها نزيف من جراحاتي
    The blood from my wounds would flow.
    لو كنت ذا ترف ما كنت sssss حبي..
    If I had riches, you would not have refused my love.
    ولكن عسر الحال، فقر الحال، ضعف الحال مأساتي.
    But I am in a state of difficulty, a state of poverty, a state of weakness.

    I suffered... I suffered
    لا حزن أبوح به..ولست تدرين..شيئا عن معاناتي.
    But I do not reveal my sorrow, and you did not know a thing about my suffering .
    أمشي واضحك..ياليلى..مكابرة
    I walk and smile, oh Layla, because I'm stubborn.
    على اخبئ عن الناس احتضاراتي
    So I hide from the people, my approaching death.
    لا الناس تعرف ..ما امري فتعذرني
    For if the knew what is the matter, they would try to console me.
    ولا سبيل لديهم في مواساتي..
    And I knew that they could not.
    يرسو بجفني حرمان يمص دمي
    Deprivation rests upon my brow and sucks my blood.
    ويستبيح اذا شاء ابتساماتي
    And only he can allow me to smile.
    معذورة أنت ان اجهضت لي أملي
    You are forgiven for aborting my hopes.
    لا الذنب ذنبك بل كانت حماقاتي..
    The fault is not yours; it was my foolishness.

    أضعت في عرض الصحراء قافلتي
    I wasted my procession in the desert.
    و جئت أبحث في عينيك عن ذاتي..
    And I came, looking for myself in your eyes.
    و جئت احضانك الخضراء منتشيا
    And I came, looking for happiness in your embrace.
    كالطفل يحمل ..أحلامي البريئات
    Like a child, I formed my innocent dreams.
    غرست كفك تجتثين اوردتي
    And you planted your palms and uprooted my veins.
    وتسحقين بلا رفق مسراتي
    And you are planted without the kindness of my pleasures.

    وا غربتاه...
    And she emigrated...
    مضاع هاجرت مدني..عني
    My lost cities emigrated away from me
    وما أبحرت منها شراعاتي..
    And my sails never left her.
    نفيت واستوطن الأغراب في بلدي
    I was exiled and the strangers settled in my country
    ودمروا كل أشيائي الحبيبات..
    And they destroyed all my beloved things.
    خانتك عيناك
    Your eyes betrayed you.
    في زيف وفي كذب
    With forgery and lying
    أم غرك البهرج الخداع
    Your confusion decieved you.
    My lady.

    فراشة جئت ألقي كحلا أجنحتي لديك
    came as a butterfly to place within your hands, the colors of my wings.
    فاحترقت ظلما جناحاتي..
    Then injustice burned my wings.
    أصيح والسيف مزروع بخاصرتي
    I screamed while the sword was implanted in my chest.
    والغدر حطم آمالي العريضات
    And the betrayal destroyed my huge hopes.
    وأنت ايضا الا تبت يداك..
    And you also, I perished on your hands.
    الا تبت يداك
    I perished from your hands.
    اذ آثرت قتلي واستعذبت أناتي
    Because you preferred my murder and loved the sound of my groans.
    ملي بحذف اسمك الشفاف من لغاتي
    And so I deleted your precious ssss from my sssssssss.
    إذن ستمسي بلا ليلى... ليلى
    Therefore, they will be told without Layla... Layla
    إذن ستمسي بلا ليلى ..حكاياتي
    Therefore they will be told without Layla, my stories

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upDXkgy5zQI (Part 1)
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUkoX...eature=related (Part 2)
    I’ll be your friend and I will never let you down,
    whatever happens I will always be around
    and when you need someone I won’t be far away,
    friends forever, not only today.
  2. Layla's Avatar

    Layla said:


    Hello! Nice translation!

    Here is another one, done by ams298:

  3. Don-juan's Avatar

    Don-juan said:


    thx Layla
    I’ll be your friend and I will never let you down,
    whatever happens I will always be around
    and when you need someone I won’t be far away,
    friends forever, not only today.
  4. Gole Yas said: