I'm pretty ready for the rains to fade
And for the sun to shine once more
It is too hard to cry and moan
Once we've stepped outside the door
Today is the day
We must get up and say
We'll stand for what we believe in
No matter who or what gets in our way

Chorus for a song I'm working on, seems like it doesnt fit a beat until you hear it with the rhythm I've got going for it.

So people of my country
People of my world
I ask you to remember
My story that's unfurled
That we each every human
Belong upon this earth
And with time and acceptance
We'll discover all their worth
Overcoming every protest
Take it in our stride
We can change future history
Each by each others side

A section of a peace prize poem I was thinking of converting to a song? Do you think it'd work?

Thanks for your feedback-I'll return comments
All Lyrics and snippets of Lyrics posted here are copywright 100%