Christina Stürmer - Kinder An Die Macht

Thread: Christina Stürmer - Kinder An Die Macht

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  1. Macbard's Avatar

    Macbard said:

    Default Christina Stürmer - Kinder An Die Macht

    Hello to all

    I believe this is a cover of a Herbert Grönemeyer song.
    Please look this over and tell me if and where I've gone wrong.
    Here is a link if you want to listen
    Christina Stürmer - Kinder An Die Macht
    Christina Stürmer – Put children into power

    die armeen aus Gummibärchen
    The armies of Gummibears

    die panzer aus Marzipan
    The tanks of Marzipan

    kriege werden aufgegessen
    Wars will be eaten up

    einfacher Plan
    A simple plan

    kindlich genial
    childlike ingenious

    es gibt kein gut
    There is no good

    es gibt kein böse
    There is no evil

    es gibt kein schwarz
    There is no black

    es gibt kein weiß
    There is no white

    es gibt zahnlücken
    There is openness
    More literally gap between the teeth
    since we are talking about children
    I'm thinking of the stage when
    children are missing their front teeth

    statt zu unterdrücken
    instead of oppression

    gibt's erdbeereis auf lebenszeit
    There is strawberry ice cream for life

    immer für 'ne überraschung gut
    They have always a new surprise for you

    gebt den kindern das kommando
    Give the children the command

    sie berechnen nicht was sie tun
    They do not calculate what they do

    die welt gehört in kinderhände
    The world belongs in children’s hands

    dem trübsinn ein ende
    An end to the gloom

    wir werden in grund und boden gelacht
    We are being laughed to pieces

    kinder an die macht
    Put children into power

    sie sind die wahren anarchisten
    They are the true anarchists

    lieben das chaos räumen ab
    Loving chaos unrestricted

    kennen keine rechte keine pflichten
    Knowing no rights no obligations

    noch ungebeugte kraft
    yet unbending strength

    on a huge scale

    ungestümer stolz
    impetuously proud

    gebt den kindern ....
    give the children ....
    Last edited by Macbard; 08-24-2009 at 05:08 PM. Reason: adding note add link
    Wenn man dem Hass freien Lauf läßt, wird er die Seele von innen zerstören.
  2. Tahira's Avatar

    Tahira said:


    Hi Macbard,

    immer für 'ne überraschung gut
    Always good without surprise *** not too sure about this

    better: they have always a new surprise for you (something like that)

    This song is originally by Herbert Groenemeyer

    And I have something found for you:

    And some additional thing:
    wir werden in grund und boden gelacht
    We are on the ground laughing

    to do something "In Grund und Boden", means to destroy something totally.

    Here it means something like to make an end to the gloom by laughing...

    Have a nice day, Tahira
  3. Cosmonaut's Avatar

    Cosmonaut said:


    Hey I'd also like to give some minor correction suggestions!

    Christina Stürmer - Kinder An Die Macht
    Christina Stürmer – Children of the power

    I'd say 'Put children into power' rather than 'of power'

    kriege werden aufgegessen
    War will be eaten up

    WarS - I guess it was just a typo

    es gibt zahnlücken
    There is openness

    How did you know to translate it this way?

    immer für 'ne überraschung gut
    Always good without surprise *** not too sure about this

    See Tahira's reply

    sie berechnen nicht was sie tun
    They do not calculate what they do

    I'm not sure which "berechnen" is referred to here actually. Berechnen could also mean 'charge' - They don't charge for their work. You decide

    wir werden in grund und boden gelacht
    We are on the ground laughing

    Also see Tahira's reply

    Hope it helped a bit!
    We are Brothers
    of the North
    who are sharing the All-Father's Blood
  4. Macbard's Avatar

    Macbard said:


    Hello Tahira

    Thanks for your help.

    Thanks for the links. They were very interesting. I was trying to check out some of the quotes on the video. Some weren't too hard to understand, the others I'll get back to later maybe.

    I've noticed I usually prefer whichever version of a song I hear first. Probably because there is something about it that attracted you in the first place. But on occasion a different version grows on you. In this instance I like both versions of the song.

    I used your one suggestion as it was. For the other one I went with "We are being laughed to pieces". "to pieces" as in "smashing something to pieces"or "blowing something to pieces". This seems to be in line with what you said it means.

    Good day to you also, Macbard
    Wenn man dem Hass freien Lauf läßt, wird er die Seele von innen zerstören.
  5. Macbard's Avatar

    Macbard said:


    Hello Cosmonaut

    Thanks for your help also

    I used your suggestion of "Put children into power"

    As for - war/wars - I guess I just wasn't thinking too clearly. What I had in mind was War (as in all wars collectively). I corrected as you pointed out.

    As for - zahnlücken/openness - I really can't remember my exact train of thought on this. I think it was a gap is an open spot in something. I might have read something somewhere that put this idea in my mind, if so I can't recall where.
    Not to make excuses, but I was a little tired when working on this.
    It seems to go with "instead of oppression" better than "there are gaps in the teeth"
    Do you think this is a good way to translate this?

    As for - immer für 'ne überraschung gut /Always good without surprise - I went with Tahira's suggestion

    As for - berechnen/calculate/charge - I looked at this as referring to "true anarchists"" loving chaos". You have so many people today who plot and manipulate the system to obtain power for themselves by calculating the best way to get what they want.
    Do you think this makes sense?

    As for - wir werden in grund und boden gelacht /We are on the ground laughing - I went with a variation of Tahira's suggestion on this.

    Have a nice day, Macbard
    Wenn man dem Hass freien Lauf läßt, wird er die Seele von innen zerstören.
  6. Cosmonaut's Avatar

    Cosmonaut said:


    Hallo Macbard,

    As for - zahnlücken/openness - I really can't remember my exact train of thought on this. I think it was a gap is an open spot in something. I might have read something somewhere that put this idea in my mind, if so I can't recall where.
    Not to make excuses, but I was a little tired when working on this.
    It seems to go with "instead of oppression" better than "there are gaps in the teeth"
    Do you think this is a good way to translate this?

    Oh yes it totally is, I was just a bit astonished because I, myself, wouldn't have thought about it this way.

    As for - berechnen/calculate/charge - I looked at this as referring to "true anarchists"" loving chaos". You have so many people today who plot and manipulate the system to obtain power for themselves by calculating the best way to get what they want.
    Do you think this makes sense?

    It does. I just thought I should give you another alternative. The way you translated it was perfectly fine in my opinion

    You too have a nice day!
    We are Brothers
    of the North
    who are sharing the All-Father's Blood