Mihai Traistariu - O Stea

Thread: Mihai Traistariu - O Stea

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  1. JunjouLover's Avatar

    JunjouLover said:

    Default Mihai Traistariu - O Stea

    Muzica de Mihai e buna! ^_^

    Te-am cautat, te-am gasit in visul meu
    I looked for you, I found you in my dream
    Te rataceai prin umbre reci
    I was losing you through the cold shadows
    Si ma intrebam de ce sa pleci
    And I was asking my self why you should leave
    Te caut in noapte, prin stele, prin soapte
    I look for you at night, through start, through whispers
    Dar stiu ca n-ai sa vii...
    What I know you won’t come…
    Iubirea mea, de ce-ai plecat ?
    My love, why did you leave?
    Iubirea mea, de ce-ai plecat ?
    My love, why did you leave?
    Nu vreau ca tu sa iesi din viata mea acum
    I don’t want for you to leave from my life now
    Nu vreau sa te pierd, n-am cum
    I don’t want to lose you, I don’t
    Nu vreau sa te pierd, n-am cum.
    I don’t want to lose you, I don’t have
    Nu cred ca visul nostru acum s-a terminat
    I don’t believe that our dream now has ended
    Sufletul mi-e indurerat, nu se poate, nu...
    My soul is hurt, it’s not possible, no…

    O stea, a cazut din cer o stea
    A star, it searched a star from the sky [?]
    Si te-ai dus, iubirea mea
    And you went, my love
    Dupa ea...
    After it…
    O stea, a cazut din cer o stea
    A star, it searched a star from the sky [?]
    Te-am pierdut, iubirea mea
    I lost you, my love
    Nu pleca...
    Don’t leave

    In visul meu despre stele imi spui mereu
    In my dream on the stars, you tell me always
    Ca s-au vorbit si mi te-au luat
    That they talked and they took you from me [?]
    Din viata mea te-au alungat
    They drove you from my life
    Acum esti departe intr-o lume tacuta pierduta printre nori
    Now you’re far away in some silent, lost world among the clouds

    Ma ratacesc in praf de seara
    I lose myself in night-dust
    Un gand albastru ma infioara
    A blue mind frightens me [?]
    Nu esti, unde esti ?
    You aren’t here, where are you?
    As fi vrut sa fii acum aici in fatza mea
    I would have wanted for you to be in front of me right me
    As fi vrut sa te sarut, sa te iubesc
    I would want to kiss you, to love you
    Sa-ti spun cat te ïubesc.
    To tell you how much I love you
  2. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    i agree with u Mihai is a good singer

    u have some small miss understandings, but u still have done a good job

    Quote Originally Posted by JunjouLover View Post
    Muzica de Mihai e buna! ^_^

    Te-am cautat, te-am gasit in visul meu
    I looked for you, I found you in my dream
    Te rataceai prin umbre reci
    you were getting lost through the cold shadows
    Si ma intrebam de ce sa pleci
    And I was asking my self why you should leave
    Te caut in noapte, prin stele, prin soapte
    I look for you at night, through stars, through whispers
    Dar stiu ca n-ai sa vii...
    but I know that you won’t come…
    Iubirea mea, de ce-ai plecat ?
    My love, why did you leave?
    Iubirea mea, de ce-ai plecat ?
    My love, why did you leave?
    Nu vreau ca tu sa iesi din viata mea acum
    I don’t want you to leave from my life now
    Nu vreau sa te pierd, n-am cum
    I don’t want to lose you, I don’t have how to
    Nu vreau sa te pierd, n-am cum.
    I don’t want to lose you, I don’t have how to
    Nu cred ca visul nostru acum s-a terminat
    I don’t believe that our dream now has ended
    Sufletul mi-e indurerat, nu se poate, nu...
    My soul is hurt, it’s not possible, no…

    O stea, a cazut din cer o stea
    A star, a star fell from the sky
    Si te-ai dus, iubirea mea
    And you went, my love
    Dupa ea...
    After it…
    O stea, a cazut din cer o stea
    A star, a star fell from the sky
    Te-am pierdut, iubirea mea
    I lost you, my love
    Nu pleca...
    Don’t leave

    In visul meu despre stele imi spui mereu
    In my dream about stars, you tell me always
    Ca s-au vorbit si mi te-au luat
    That they talked and they took you from me
    Din viata mea te-au alungat
    They drove you from my life
    Acum esti departe intr-o lume tacuta pierduta printre nori
    Now you’re far away in some silent, lost world among the clouds

    Ma ratacesc in prag de seara*
    I lose myself in night
    Un gand albastru ma infioara
    A blue thought frightens me
    Nu esti, unde esti ?
    You aren’t here, where are you?
    As fi vrut sa fii acum aici in fatza mea
    I would have wanted for you to be here in front of me
    As fi vrut sa te sarut, sa te iubesc
    I would have wanted to kiss you, to love you
    Sa-ti spun cat te ïubesc.
    To tell you how much I love you
    *in prag de... = near, close to
  3. JunjouLover's Avatar

    JunjouLover said:


    Okey-dokey! Thanks! ^_^ I mistook cazut for cautat; I don't know why...
  4. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    it's ok and u r welcome