Funky G Album

Thread: Funky G Album

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  1. PrincessMarina said:

    Arrow Funky G Album

    can someone please translate some songs from funky g's album....
    here's the list of the songs:
    1. Leti leti
    2.upravo ostavljen
    3.kad te vidim
    4.kada musko place
    5. e bas necu

    Thanks a lot!
  2. Tinkerbell's Avatar

    Tinkerbell said:


    Leti, leti - Fly, fly

    Nemas ti petlje
    U don't have the guts
    da priznas
    to confess
    da samo umes da lazes
    that u are only capable to lie
    i ranis i izdas
    and to hurt and betray

    Nije, nije, nije to
    no, no, is not that
    od sudbine te
    from that destiny
    ako brzo vozis
    If u drive fast
    onda pazi se krivine
    Then be aware of bend

    Leti, leti ptico bela
    Fly, fly, white bird
    leti prema svome snu
    fly towards your dream
    leti, leti dok ja padam
    Fly, fly while I'm falling
    dok ja padam prema dnu
    while I am falling unto bottom

    Prezali me, ostavi me
    Get over me, leave me
    ne pamti me ti po zlu
    don't remember me because of harm
    sama, ostavljena ja od sebe
    Alone, left by myself
    nemam, nemam kud
    I don't have, don't have where

    Nemas ti petlje
    U don't have the guts
    da priznas
    to confess
    da ne znas da me nemas
    that u don't know that u don't have me
    ni da me imas
    either that u have me

    Nije, nije, nije to
    no, no, is not that
    od sudbine te
    from that destiny
    ako brzo vozis
    If u drive fast
    onda pazi se krivine
    Then be aware of bend

    Upravo ostavljen - Just left

    Upravo ostavljen pise ti na celu
    Just left, says on your forehead
    tuzan i sam si ironicno
    sad and alone ironically
    srce je tvoje sad na tankom ledu
    your heart is now on thin ice
    za mene to je odlicno
    for me that's excellent

    Upravo ostavljen vidi se po svemu
    Just left, is seen on everything
    izgledas tako tragicno
    u look so tragic
    postao lovac lak je plen u trenu
    became hunter is easy hunt in the moment
    sada pred svetom i zvanicno
    now in front of world and officially

    Hej luda glavo ma ko ti je kriv
    hey, crazy head who is guilty to u
    sto koju vise si popio ti
    that u drank few (drinks) more
    pazi da places na ramenu mom
    be aware that u are crying on my shoulder
    makar te srece kostalo to
    even if that costs u luck
    te srece kostalo to
    costs u luck

    Upravo ostavljen vidi se po svemu
    Just left, is seen on everything
    izgledas tako pokislo
    u look so "soil" (meaning- u feel down)
    al’ niti jednog oblaka na nebu
    but not even one cloud in the sky
    dovraga sve je otislo
    everything went "to devil" (meaning - gone wrong, went to hell)

    Nemoj da tuznom pricom me davis
    Don't bother me with sad story
    jer to tako jadan je fol
    because that's so pathetic "fake" (fol has a meaning like "yeah, wright", something that is not true, like spoofing)
    bolje led na srce ti stavi
    u better put ice on heart
    i lezi nocas ti u krevet moj
    and lie tonight in my bed

    Kad te vidim - When I see u

    Noc meni zacas proleti
    Night passes so fast for me
    kad tvoje telo osetim
    when I feel your body
    odem, al’ se uvek vracam
    I go away, but I always return
    poljupcima greske placam
    with kisses I pay mistakes

    Noc meni zacas proleti
    Night passes so fast for me
    kad tvoje telo osetim
    when i feel your body
    nema srce grama straha
    heart hasn't got a gramme of fear
    ostavljas me ti bez daha
    u leave me breathless

    Lek za oci, lek za dusu
    Cure for eyes, cure for soul
    i za svaku pricu tuznu
    and for every sad story
    sa tobom bi posla bilo gde
    I would go with u wherever

    Lek za oci, lek za dusu
    Cure for eyes, cure for soul
    i za svaku pricu tuznu
    and for every sad story
    sa tobom je meni lakse sve
    with u everything is easier for me

    Kad te vidim, meni osvane
    When I see u, dawns to me
    istopim se od miline
    I melt from sweet
    peva nebo, peva zemlja
    sky sings, land sings
    po kojoj s’ tobom ide
    on which it goes with u

    Kad te vidim, meni osvane
    When I see u, dawns to me
    istopim se od miline
    I melt from sweet
    tvoj je dodir, dodir svile
    your touch is, touch of silk
    usne kao od vanile
    lips like from vanilla

    Od vanile
    from vanilla

    Oko, oko, moje crno oko
    Eye, eye, my black eye
    voli, voli me, voli me zestoko
    love, love me, love me hard
    oko, oko, moje crno oko
    Eye,eye, my black eye
    voli, voli me, voli me siroko
    love, love me, love me wide

    Kada muško plače - When male cries

    Ko zna koju tajnu krije
    Who knows what secret it covers
    oko sto u prazno gleda
    eye that looks in blank
    tu je ali ko da nije
    he's here but like he isn't
    voli me srcem od leda
    he loves me with heart of ice

    Kune se a znam da laze
    He swears and I know he lies
    da to nije kosa njena
    that that is not her hair
    nista ne treba da kaze
    he doesn't need to say anything
    osecam jer sam zena
    I feel it because I am woman

    I kada dodje kuci umoran od nje
    And when he comes home tired from her
    ja poludim
    I go crazy
    i molim se da mogu da ga prezirem
    And I pray that I can despise him
    i da mu sudim
    and to judge him

    Hladnom rukom on me mazi
    With cold hand he cuddles me
    kao latice me gazi
    like petals he stamps me
    al’ videce da boli jace
    But he'll see that it hurts more
    kada musko place
    when male cries

    Kad se okrene od mene
    When he turns around from me
    hladno zagrli me tama
    I am embraced by darkness
    znam da sanja usne njene
    I know he dreams her lips
    s’ njim a kao da sam sama
    I'm with him and it's like I'm alone

    Kune se a znam da laze
    He swears and I know he lies
    da to nije kosa njena
    that that is not her hair
    nista ne treba da kaze
    he doesn't need to say anything
    osecam jer sam zena
    I feel it because I am woman


    Hladnom rukom on me mazi
    With cold hand he cuddles me
    kao latice me gazi
    like petals he stamps me
    al’ videce da boli jace
    But he'll see that it hurts more
    kada musko place
    when male cries

    E baš neću - I just won't

    Sama, al' sa osmehom
    Alone, but with smile
    jos tragam za svojim snom
    I'm searching my dream
    nista drugo meni nije vazno
    nothing else is important to me
    i necu da zivim lazno
    And I don't want to live fake
    jer verna sam srcu svom
    because I am faithful to my heart

    Neka zemlja se pomeri
    Let the earth move
    dok mi srce ne zatreperi
    until my heart thrills
    necu stati dok ga ne nadjem
    I won't stop until i find him

    E bas necu, e bas necu
    I just won't, I just won't
    necu da posustanem
    I won't stop
    i nikada odustanem
    or ever give up

    e bas necu, e bas necu
    I just won't, i just won't

    E bas ne
    Just no
    sta god da se desava
    Whatever happens
    samo jedno zelim ja
    I only want one thing
    e bas necu
    I just won't

    Svasta sam prebrodila
    I "surmounted" lots of things
    otkad sam se rodila
    from when I was born
    pored svega sto sam prosla
    Along with everything I went through
    nikad dovde ne bi dosla
    I would never come here
    da nisam tako puno sanjala
    that I didn't dream that much
    Last edited by Tinkerbell; 06-29-2009 at 03:26 PM.
    We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. (Aristotle)