Lamset Eid (VIDEO CLIP STORY) - Nancy Ajram

Thread: Lamset Eid (VIDEO CLIP STORY) - Nancy Ajram

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  1. josephpausini said:

    Default Lamset Eid (VIDEO CLIP STORY) - Nancy Ajram

    I was wondering if someone could write(in arabic & transliterated) and translate the little story Nancy tells at the beginning of the video Lamset Eid.

    Thank you very much.

    I found it:

    النصر...الاسم يا ريت مسيطر على وطني بقدر ما مسيطر على حياتي
    Victory (the name of the club)... The name, I wish it was dominated on my home as it is controlling my life.
    هون كل ليلة بستلم معاطف الزباين بأول السهرة وبردن بآخرها، وشو صعبة تخدم العدو
    Here, everynight I receive customers' coats in the begining of the soiree, and give them back at the end, and how hard to serve the enemy.
    حبيبي ناشط ضد الإحتلال، حياتو كلها واقفة على استعادة الحرية
    My lover is combatant against occupation, his life counts on regaining freedom
    وأنا بسربلو المعلومات اللي بجمعها داخل النادي بمساعدة صديق بوصلي اياها بعلبة كبريت
    And I leak to him the information I collect inside the club, with the help of friend that pass them to me inside match packet.
    حب الحرية حطنا عمفرق نكون سوا او نفترق
    Freedom love has put us on carrfour, either to be together or seperate away
    الليلة ليلة راس السنة، صارلي سنة ما شفتو ولا سمعتوا عنو او منو شي
    Today in new year's eve, I haven't seen him for a year, heard about him or from him anything.
    Last edited by josephpausini; 07-09-2009 at 05:49 AM.
  2. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    There were a couple of errors in the translation you found, so I fixed it up for you

    النصر...الاسم يا ريت مسيطر على وطني بقدر ما مسيطر على حياتي
    Victory (the name of the club)... A name that I wish was dominant in my nation same as it is controlling my life.
    هون كل ليلة بستلم معاطف الزباين بأول السهرة وبردن بآخرها، وشو صعبة تخدم العدو
    Here, every night I receive customers' coats from the beginning of the soiree, and give them back at the end, and how hard it is to serve the enemy.
    حبيبي ناشط ضد الإحتلال، حياتو كلها واقفة على استعادة الحرية
    My lover is an activist against the occupation, his entire life depends on regaining freedom
    وأنا بسربلو المعلومات اللي بجمعها داخل النادي بمساعدة صديق بوصلي اياها بعلبة كبريت
    And I leak to him the information I collect inside the club, with the help of friend that pass them to me inside a match packet.
    حب الحرية حطنا عمفرق نكون سوا او نفترق
    The love for freedom has put us on a divider, either to be together or separate
    الليلة ليلة راس السنة، صارلي سنة ما شفتو ولا سمعتوا عنو او منو شي
    Tonight is New Year's Eve, It's been a year since I've seen him or heard about him or from him anything.
    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥