(*) La Dinastia de Tuzantla - Sin Sangre En Las Venas

Thread: (*) La Dinastia de Tuzantla - Sin Sangre En Las Venas

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  1. .:BiLLiE:.'s Avatar

    .:BiLLiE:. said:

    Question (*) La Dinastia de Tuzantla - Sin Sangre En Las Venas

    Quisiera ser como tu
    Que no sientes las penas
    Quisiera ser como tu
    Sin sangre en las venas
    Vvir feliz como vives
    Y amando una vida
    Que todo el mundo te alogia
    Que todo el mundo te admira
    Pero la buena suerte
    No es para mi
    Porque con toda el alma
    Me enamore de ti
    Y tener que aguantarme
    Sin respetar mi orgullo
    Porque aunque tu no quieras
    Yo sigo siendo tuyo

    Quisiera ser como tu
    Que ya nada te importa
    Andar buscando el amor
    Con una y con otra
    Hacer feliz a la gente
    Con una mentira
    Y ser el amo del mundo
    Y ser el rey de la vida
    Pero la buena suerte
    No es para mi
    Porque con toda el alma
    Me enamore de ti
    Y tener que aguantarme
    Sin respetar mi orgullo
    Porque aunque tu no quieras
    Yo sigo siendo tuyo
  2. kat. said:

    Default without blood in the veins..

    i want to be like you
    you don’t feel the pain
    i want to be like you
    without blood in my vеins
    live happily as you live
    and loving a life
    that all the world alogia
    that all the world admire you
    but the good luck
    is not for me
    because with all the soul
    i fell in love with you
    and i had to control myself
    without respecting my pride
    because even if you don’t like to
    i am still yours

    i want to be like you
    you don’t care of nothing anymore
    to go looking for love
    with one and another
    making the people happy
    with a lie
    and being the master of the world
    and being the king of life
    but the good luck
    is not for me
    because with all the soul
    i fell in love with you
    and i had to control myself
    without respecting my pride
    because even if you don’t like to
    i am still yours

    if someone knows the exact meaning of the word in bold, please write it..
  3. istanbulgal's Avatar

    istanbulgal said:


    Nicely done Kat. I didn't know this word either, but I think I found it! Alogia: Síntoma negativo de la esquizofrenia. I'm still not sure how to interpret it; the above definition may not apply in this context, maybe a native can help us out.

    Que todo el mundo te alogia - that the entire world made you go crazy/lose logic.*


    Quisiera ser como tu I would like to be like you **
    Que no sientes las penas who doesn't feel pain ***
    Que ya nada te importa who isn't bothered by anything ***

    *Not sure at all.

    ** Translation was fine in meaning, but tense should be in 'Simple Past Subjunctive' instead of Present.

    *** Que can be a confusing word as it can have many meanings, but in this case it refers to the person (who) as sentence is a continuation from previous line and not a separate sentence.
    Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.
    Albert Einstein
  4. kat. said:


    yes, you are right, it should be with would, i just thought it would sound better like this. and thank you for all your corrections .