Nil Karaibrahimgil - Organize Isler Bunlar

Thread: Nil Karaibrahimgil - Organize Isler Bunlar

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  1. 0rientCaramel's Avatar

    0rientCaramel said:

    Question Nil Karaibrahimgil - Organize Isler Bunlar

    I hope someone can translate this ?

    Olmam olamam dedim
    Içlerinde duramam dedim
    Dislarinda kalamam dedim
    Uçmam uçamam dedim
    Kaçmam kaçamam dedim
    Ne Clark Kent'im ne süpermenim

    Organize isler bunlar
    Basimiza isler bunlar
    Senin benim dinlemez
    Istanbul'u disler bunlar2X

  2. ~~Pınar~~'s Avatar

    ~~Pınar~~ said:


    I said i wont,i cant be
    I said i cant stay inside of them
    I said i cant stay outside of t hem
    I said i wont fly,i cant fly
    I said i wont run away,i cant run away
    Im not the Clark Kent nor Superman

    These are organized things
    These are troubles for us
    I wouldnt listen that its yours or mine
    They would bite Istanbul
    Isten, áldd meg a magyart! <3
  3. 0rientCaramel's Avatar

    0rientCaramel said:


    Thanks Pinar
