[solved] what song is this?.....

Thread: [solved] what song is this?.....

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  1. Iraqiforlife said:

    Default [solved] what song is this?.....

    what is the song that tamer hosny is singing before he starts singing telefouny ran?

  2. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:


    عينيا بتحبك
    3ynaia bet7ebak
    here's a link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lX8BDhwHtyc
    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.
  3. Iraqiforlife said:


    thank you for the help sohuda!!!!
  4. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:


    you're most welcome
    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.